The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Crematogaster (Orthocrema) rectinota Mayr 1901b SA Bothaville, Orange H Brauns workers (definition questionable)
Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Forel 1913a Zimbabwe Bulawayo G Arnold new species, workers
Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Santschi 1914b Kenya Ramisi R Alluaud & Jeannel 1 worker
Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Santschi 1914b Tanzania Tanga Alluaud & Jeannel 1 queen
Crematogaster (Orth.) rectinota Arnold 1920a Zimbabwe several locations G Arnold workers & queen (new description); nesting under stones

© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
