The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) wellmani Forel 1909b Angola Benguela C Wellman new species, workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Santschi 1910c Congo Brazzaville A Weiss 2 workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Forel 1910e Nigeria Old Calabar in Forel coll worker
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Menozzi 1926a Gambia Bathurst E Zavattari workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Santschi 1937d Angola Sangeve Dr Monard workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani de Mire 1966x Cameroun east B de Mire found on coffee
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Room 1971x Ghana at 5 cocoa farms; Kade P Room; J Majer dominant where it occurs but uncommon
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani Taylor 2005w Nigeria cocoa zone B Taylor not common
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani boxi Donisthorpe 1945b Ghana Wenchi, 30 m N H E Box 8 workers; in pods of Sterculia tomentosa, with Pseudococcid, 5.v.1944
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Forel 1913b Sierra Leone     new ssp, worker
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Forel 1913e Cameroun   L Conradt queen
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Forel 1913h Zaire Kwesi-Kilo Dr Bayer 1 queen
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Forel 1916x Zaire   H Kohl workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Santschi 1925h Angola Huulla, Huilla Rohan Chabot 1 worker, vii.1912
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani luciae Santschi 1930a Angola   Dr Monard  
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani retusa Santschi 1916b Zimbabwe Victoria Falls G Arnold new variety, all forms; populous nest under bark of a leguminous tree
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani weissi Santschi 1910c Congo Gomba A Weiss new variety, several workers of varying sizes
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) wellmani weissi Santschi 1937b Cameroun Elefantsee, Kumba & Misselle F Zumpt (also as lucida) virgin queens

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
