Diplomorium longipenne Mayr
Type location South
Africa (Mayr, 1901b) see Bolton (1987, illustrated, full
face-view, head and alitrunk profile) .
Mayr's (1901b) description is at . Arnold (1916: 240)
description/translation is at and, queen, . Bolton's modern description (1987) is at .
A South African specimen is pictured in Hölldobler &
Wilson (1990, page 105). Bolton (1987) wrote that nothing is known of
the biology of this species except that it nests in the ground.
In Ghana, Bigger (1981a) reported collecting it,
13 workers, on the ground under cocoa at CRIG, but I suspect his
identification, like mine of Monomorium vaguum as Diplomorium lujae, came from specimens
erroneously labelled as Diplomorium.