Dorylus (Anomma) emeryi Mayr
Type locality Cameroun (Dorylus Emeryi nov. spec., Mayr,
1896: 225, all worker morphs; collector Y. Sjöstedt) - see below
subspecies pulsi (Anomma
Emeryi Mayr v. Pulsi
n. var., Forel, 1904d: 170, worker; Santschi, 1923e: 176,
major) from "Afrique occidentale", coll. Ballion - no images on Antweb
(June 2014).
workers only known (see Bolton, 1995; may be
in Raignier & van Boven, 1955) .
(1896) description is at and . Forel's (1904d) description of pulsi
is at . Santschi's (1923e) description of the
soldier of pulsi, from Aburi, Ghana, collector F
Silvestri, is at .
From Raignier & van Boven (1955), Mayr's original
description made comparison with nigricans, syn. rubellus.
Raignier & van Boven considered this unfortunate as the closer
comparison would be with gerstaeckeri; emeryi being
bigger TL 12.7 mm; head rectangular, slightly longer than wide, and
slightly more than 1/3 of TL (in gerstaeckeri it is slightly
less than 1/3); posterior border of head deeply scalloped; scape more
slender than nigricans and not reaching mid-length of head;
petiole a little longer than wide (Santschi, 1912b); colour red-brown;
most of head shiny, the vertex strongly so, with sparse puncturation;
body semi-matt, legs shiny. The variety pulsi of Forel (1904)
was described solely from media morphs and so has no merit.
Wheeler (1922) listed findings from Ghana
(Aburi, by F. Silvestri); Cameroun (Mundame, by Conradt) and Zaire
(by Kohl); pulsi was solely from "West Africa".
specimens (Dorylus
(Anomma) species in wilverthi group, Taylor, 1980b: 13).
WORKERS. TL 10.13-4.18 mm; ; at least four morphs; largest HL 3.47, HW
1.41, SL 1.14, PW 1.14, petiole length 0.87.
Colour red-brown. Sculpturation of fine dense puncturation. Erect hairs
relatively abundant on gaster, petiole and on dorsum of propodeum. Head
widest at mid-length, pronounced domed dorsolateral posterior
prominences or tubercles. Antennal scape gradually thickening to a
broad apex. Mandibles with a long apical tooth subtended by a
denticulate margin running to a basal triangular tooth; numerous hairs
on the inner margin. Antennal scapes short and thick, funiculus
segments beadlike. Subpetiolar process is a blunt rear-curved triangle.
All morphs of similar appearance, progressively lighter as size
diminishes, smallest yellow-brown, tubercles on head visible on all
except the smallest.
The specimens in the museum at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria,
Idi Ayunre, were not fully labelled but probably were collected by R.H.
Booker at CRIN or Ibadan (Moor Plantation?).
photomontage is of a syntype worker collated from
Note: This is a large media worker, with small median
teeth on the
mandibles and the Antweb scales are wrong. The true head width should
be ca. 3.0 mm, and the TL ca. 11 mm. The scales give HW < 5 mm and
TL < 21 mm.
Oxford University Museum
Dorylus (Anomma) emeryi pulsi
B Taylor det. |
Ivory Coast
Erena Dupont
Taï National Park
5˚45'00" N
7˚07'00" W
YSBCI 2015-31-5-2014
full range of workers
Dorylus (Anomma) emeryi
B Taylor det.
Central African
P Annoyer
assiette jaune
Dorylus (Anomma) emeryi
B Taylor det. |
Central African
P Annoyer
392 m
"OC bis sol"
The photomontages are of specimens from the Central
African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha NP; collector Philippe Annoyer (CAR
The various morphs are shown in detail on
the Dorylus (Anomma) emeryi
morphs page 1 and Dorylus
(Anomma) emeryi page 2.
The photomontage is of a major worker of pulsi from Ivory Coast, Tai; collector Erena Dupont.
The photomontage is of a minima worker of pulsi from Ivory Coast, Tai; collector Erena Dupont.