Monomorium egens Forel
Type location Cameroun (Monomorium egens n. sp., Forel,
1910e: 443, worker) no location, collector L. von Muralt - see below
junior synonyms
jucundum (Monomorium
jucundum n. sp., Santschi, 1926b: 232, worker) from Zaïre,
collected at Luebo, by H. Schouteden, 16.xii.1921 - see
longiusculum (Monomorium
longiusculum n. sp., Santschi, 1926b: 237, illustrated,
worker) from Zaïre,
collected at Lukuga supérieur, by Gérard - see
(synonymies by Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1910e) description is at . Santschi's (1926b) description of jucundum
is at . Santschi's (1926b)
description of longiusculum is at . Bolton's modern description (1987: 385)
is at .
specimens (Monomorium species T¹, Taylor, 1980a: 31) - WORKER.
TL 2.45 mm, HL 0.61, HW 0.53, SL 0.54, PW 0.31
Others TL 2.0-2.5 mm (Bolton, 1987, illustrated, full-face view, and
lateral alitrunk and pedicel).
Colour dark brown; except for the funiculi, tibiae and tarsi, which are
yellow; unsculptured and highly polished. Erect hairs long and
abundant. Dorsum of pronotum distinctly flattened. Clypeal carinae
Bolton (1987)
noted that it usually nests in the soil or
in fallen tree trunks, foraging in the wood and surrounding leaf litter.
From Ghana, he listed findings at Adeiso,
Asamankese, Atewa, Bunso, Enchi, Legon and Mepom (D. Leston), at Aburi
and Afwerase (P.M. Room), and CRIG (B. Bolton). Since described as
widespread by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b), who found eight workers
from leaf litter samples at seven locations in the semi-deciduous
forest zone.
In Nigeria, I collected it from herbaceous
vegetation around a cocoa plot at CRIN. Collection listed by Bolton
(1987), plus one by himself (In my Guide as Monomorium species
(1952) listed it (as jucundum) from Guinea; several
workers, Nion, scrub on crest, 1300 m; one queen from Nion, 700 m.
Otherwise from Ivory Coast, at Banco Forest
(W.L. Brown); Cameroun, above plus at Nko'emvon, several short
series (D.A. Jackson); also Angola and Zaïre (Bolton, 1987).
photomontage of the type worker is collated from
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium egens
B Taylor det. |
J-F Vayssieres
RVA 3091.7
09°05'57.3'' N
02°34'27.4'' E
Mangifera indica
hand collected
Monomorium egens
B Taylor det. |
A Fotso Kuate
Monomorium sp 2
Awae II
03°54'30" N
11°25'58" E
Tuna bait in fallow
Monomorium egens
B Taylor det. |
A Fotso Kuate
Monomorium sp 5
Awae II
03°54'30" N
11°25'58" E
Quadrat in fallow
The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun;
Awae II; collector
A Fotso Kuate (Monomorium sp 2).
The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun;
Awae II; collector A Fotso Kuate (Monomorium sp 5).
The photomontage is of a worker from Benin;
Tchatchou; collector J-F Vayssieres (RVA 3091).
photomontage is derived from that shown on,
taken by Mike Lush, Gambia, 3.iv.2007.