The Ants of
Africa SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE - Genus Monomorium key to species-groups and component species |
Monomorium Introduction |
Compiled largely from the groupings used by Bolton (1987). A few
curious points are as follows:
As the final column shows a number of species appear in Bolton's key in
what appear to be odd places relative to other members of a
species-group or species complex, e.g. Monomorium emeryi in the
destructor-group; hannonis in the setuliferum-complex;
hirsutum in the bicolor-complex.
The australe-complex of small to minute species contains what
appears to be a proliferation of species, primarily by raising early
so-called varieties to full species status, but Bolton did not give a
single illustration for any of the twelve members.
Note: Following the genus
redefinitions in Ward et al.
(2014: 10) the Syllophopsis from sub-Saharan
Africa are arnoldi (revived
from renaming as jonesi), cryptobia, elgonensis, malamixta, modesta, sersalata and thrascolepta.
Trichomyrmex from sub-Saharan Africa are - abyssinicus, plus "destructor-group"
- destructor, emeryi, epinotale, mayri, oscaris and robustior.
Species-group (some ± = former sub-genus) subdivision into complexes |
No of members | Species | Bolton (1987) key couplet |
Mandibles with 5 teeth | |||
latinode-group | 1 | In full-face view head ovoid/rectangular, eyes set well forward; TL 2.6-3.2 mm | |
. | . | latinode
- tramp species - Tanzania - new genus definition pending (note in Ward
et al 2014) |
78 |
Mandibles with 3-4 teeth | |||
Genus Trichomymrex
part (scabriceps-group; Holcomyrmex, Bolton, 1987: 320) |
1 | Mandibles unsculptured; propodeal spiracle a short, near vertical, slit; polymorphic | |
. | . | Trichomyrmex abyssinicus - TL 2.6-6.7 mm, HL 0.68-2.04; polymorphic, although exhibiting monophasic allometry; granivorous with heavy mandibles; colour of larger workers reddish brown to darker on head and alitrunk, gaster darker again, smaller workers much lighter, still with gaster lighter - across whole of Sahel zone | 59 |
Propodeal spiracle circular or nearly so | |||
Propodeal dorsum either unsculptured or weak sculpture that is not transverse | |||
Trichomyrmex part (formerly Monomorium destructor-group (Parholcomyrmex) |
6 | Propodeal dorsum always sculptured (even if faintly), usually transversely striate or costulate; with distinct angle at junction of propodeal dorsum & declivity (the angle may be rounded to sharp) | |
. | . | Trichomyrmex emeryi - dorsal surfaces evenly and coarsely sculptured; TL 2.5-3.4 mm - southern Africa | 09 |
. | . | More weakly sculptured | . |
. | . | Trichomyrmex
- head and gaster yellow, alitrunk contrasting brown; TL 2.2-2.3 mm -
Zaïre - probable junior synonym of oscaris see below |
62 & 85 |
. | . | Not contrastingly coloured | . |
. | . | Trichomyrmex mayri - head and alitrunk brown and with range of sizes (TL ca 2 mm) - Sahel Zone | 64 & 86 |
. | . | mayri | . |
. | . | Trichomyrmex
- head and alitrunk brown but uniformly sized; TL 2.5-3.4 mm - trans-soudanosavannah from Somalia west to Senegal |
64 |
. | . | robustior | . |
. | . | Trichomyrmex
- head and alitrunk yellow; petiole subglobular in dorsal view; TL
1.8-3.5 mm - widespread tramp species Major |
65 & 87 |
. | . | Minor | . |
. | . | Trichomyrmex oscaris - major head with distinct longitudinal rugae on genae; dorsum more weakly sculptured but strong transversely on propodeum; head and alitrunk yellow, petiole profile compressed and ovoid in dorsal view; monophasic allometry: TL 1.6-3.8 mm - pan-African savannah and open areas | 09 & 65 & 87 |
. | . | oscaris major worker | . |
. | . | oscaris minima worker | . |
Propodeal dorsum smooth or with weak sculpture that is not transverse | |||
Eyes with more than 2 ommatidia | |||
Genus Syllophopsis (formerly Monomorium fossulatum-group) |
7 | Eyes minute (1-2 ommatidia only); mandibles smooth; propodeum mostly with small tubercles at junction of dorsum and declivity | |
. | . | Syllophopsis modesta - metanotal groove visible but only slightly impressed; TL 1.7-2.0 mm - east and southern Africa (plus an Ivory Coast population) | 67 |
. | . | modesta | . |
. | . | Metanotal groove a V- or U-shaped impression | . |
. | . | Blackish or blackish brown | . |
. | . | Syllophopsis malamixta - lower mesonotum sculptured, propodeum with narrow transverse ridge; TL 1.6-2.0 mm - West Africa | 69 |
. | . | Syllophopsis
- lower mesonotum smooth; propodeum without a narrow transverse ridge
but with distinct minute tubercles at the postero-lateral angles; TL
1.3-1.7 mm; colour usually dull yellow to light brownish yellow - West
Africa & Congo Basin |
69 & 71 |
. | . | cryptobia | . |
. | . | Yellow | . |
. | . | Syllophopsis sersalata - lower mesonotum sculptured; TL 2.2 mm - Rwanda | 70 |
. | . | Lower mesonotum smooth | . |
. | . | Syllophopsis elgonensis - antennal scapes relatively short, SI 91-95; TL 1.9-2.0 mm - Kenya | 72 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Scapes relatively long, SI 103-100 | . |
. | . | Syllophopsis arnoldi (jonesi) - head and scapes with only very short pubescence; TL 2.2-2.3 mm - South Africa | 73 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Syllophopsis thrascolepta - head and scapes with dense erect pubescence; TL 1.9-2.2 mm - Ivory Coast | 73 |
. | . | thrascolepta | . |
Genus Monomorium | |||
Frontal lobes not very close and propodeum rounded | |||
hanneli-group | 5 | Frontal lobes set close together; propodeum angular to bidentate in profile | |
. | . | guineense
- both pedicel segments with narrow profile and postpetiole wider than
petiole; TL 2.3 mm - Guinea to Cameroun |
90 |
. | . | guineense | . |
. | . | Postpetiole with lower domed node | . |
. | . | Light to medium-brown | . |
. | . | hanneli - eye with more than 10 ommatidia; TL 2.4-2.8 mm - East Africa (Angola?); includes former valtinum (eye with only 6-7 ommatidia; TL 1.8-1.9 mm - Kenya) | 82 |
. | . | hanneli | . |
. | . | Dark brown to near black | . |
. | . | invidium - propodeum dorsum weakly sculptured; TL 1.8-2.0 mm - West Africa | 81 & 90 |
. | . | invidium | . |
. | . | jacksoni
- propodeum dorsum transversely rugose, rest of alitrunk quite strongly
sculptured; pronotum distinctly laterally marginate; TL 1.8-2.0 mm -
Cameroun & Congo |
80 |
Eyes oval or circular | |||
setuliferum-group | 8 | Eyes set forward of mid-point of head and reniform or at least drawn to a point ventrally in profile | |
macrops-complex | 1 | With a narrow head; also mesonotum and propodeum without standing hairs | . |
. | . | macrops - light to medium brown; TL 2.0-2.1 mm - South Africa | 61 |
. | . | . | |
setuliferum-complex | 5 | Head and alitrunk sculptured, often densely | . |
. | . | hannonis - with numerous erect hairs; densely sculptured, brown; TL 2.7-2.8 mm - Congo Basin | 08 |
. | . | With no erect hairs on head or body | . |
. | . | alamarum
- weakly sculptured, dark brown;TL 2.0-2.4 mm - Namibia The drawing appears to be incorrect! |
25 |
. | . | alamarum | 25 |
. | . | Strongly sculptured | . |
. | . | nyasae
- small eyes, cinnamon yellow, with some darker areas; TL 2.5 mm -
Malawi |
21 |
. | . | notulum
- large eyes but not strongly reniform, brown, usually with gaster
darker; TL 2.0-2.4 mm - southern Africa may = the Bolton (1987) description of ebangaense |
21 |
. | . | setuliferum - large eyes which are conspicuously reniform; variable yellow to quite dark yellow-brown; TL 2.5-2.7 mm - Botswana | 20 |
. | . | . | |
havilandi-complex | 2 | Smooth and unsculptured, also with numerous erect hairs (members seem lumped together) | . |
. | . | havilandi - mandibles with only three teeth, uniformly blackish-brown to black, gaster often shiny jet black, TL 2.8-3.1 mm - South Africa | 61 |
. | . | havilandi | . |
. | . | xanthognathum - mandibles falcate; glossy blackish-brown, mandibles conspicuously bright yellow; TL 2.5-2.7 mm - South Africa | 88 |
. | . | . | |
Eye set around mid-point of side of head and not reniform or elongated | |||
Propodeal dorsum unsculptured | |||
(Xeromyrmex) |
48 | Propodeum with dense very fine granular or reticulo-punctate sculpturation; antennae with 12 segments; alitrunk dorsum without any standing hairs | |
Head weakly sculptured to near smooth | |||
Head uniformly and densely sculptured | |||
. | Uniform yellow-orange colour other than variable darker shade to apex of gaster - | ||
. | Orange-red; gaster dark near black - | ||
. | Head, alitrunk and gaster uniformly dull brown; in most petiole with relatively short stout pedicel - | ||
pharaonis-complex | 1 | . | |
. | . | pharaonis - TL 2.2-2.4 mm; yellow-orange, apex of gaster dark; head, alitrunk and pedicel finely and densely reticulopunctate; erect hairs relatively long and moderately abundant on the head and gaster; antennae 12-segmented; sides of head convex in front view with a smooth curve to a slightly convex occipital margin - pan-global tramp | 14 |
. | . | pharaonis | . |
bicolor-complex | 6 | . | |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum with erect hairs | . |
. | . | nitidiventre - pronotum dorsum with a pair of hairs at the anterior angles; TL 2.5-2.8 mm; head rather shorter and scapes not or barely reaching occiput; head with more numerous psammophore type hairs on underside; also head and alitrunk shiny; gaster also shiny with a bluish sheen - Sudan, Tanzania | NA |
. | . | nitidiventre | . |
. | . | hirsutum - pronotum dorsum with many erect hairs; also with small eyes; TL 3.2-3.4 mm; overall orange-yellow to orange-red, gaster blackish-brown to black - Eritrea | 07 |
. | . | Without erect hairs on pronotum | . |
. | . | niloticum - TL 3.0-3.3 mm; head larger in front than behind; eyes relatively large; head, alitrunk and petiole very finely shagreened, slightly shiny, gaster almost smooth and brilliant; colour of head, alitrunk, petiole and legs yellow-red; gaster black - Sudan, Egypt | NA |
. | . | niloticum - much
more distinctly shiny |
. |
. | . | niloticum niloticoides
-overall finely sculptured giving a matt appearance |
. |
. | . | bicolor - TL at least 2.9 mm; base of gaster dorsum with sparse pilosity, usually only 1-3 pairs of hairs - very widespread north of the Equator | 42 |
. | . | bicolor | . |
. | . | ebangaense - TL 2.2 mm, red promesonotum lighter, gaster black; confused status - Angola | (key misleading) |
. | . | Base of gaster dorsum with 6-8 or more pairs of hairs | . |
. | . | rufulum - with well developed ammochaete hairs on underside of head; TL 3.0-3.6 mm; dull orange to reddish-brown on all but gaster, which is darker brown to blackish-brown often with a paler spot or streak antero-medially - southern Africa | 13 & 40 |
. |
. |
rufulum |
. | . | With no more than short hairs on underside of head | . |
. | . | personatum - with relatively large eyes 0.31-0.33 X HW; TL 3.3-3.3 mm; head and alitrunk bright red but anterior of head, scapes and antennal club darkish brown - Angola | 41 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | With smaller eyes, 0.23-0.27 X HW | . |
. | . | westi - anterior margin of clypeus concave, with lateral projecting teeth; TL 3.0-3.2 mm; all except gaster orange to dull orange, the gaster strongly contrasting blackish-brown to black - Kenya | 43 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | dictator - anterior margin of clypeus only weakly concave and without projecting lateral teeth; TL 2.9 mm; generally red to orange-red except wholly blackish-brown to black gaster - Angola & Gambia | 43 |
opacum-complex | 6 | . | |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum with erect hairs | . |
. | . | albopilosum - pronotum dorsum and propodeum dorsum with erect hairs, TL 3.4-4.4 mm; uniform light to dark brown - southern Africa | 07 |
. | . | albopilosum | . |
. | . | junodi - propodeum dorsum without erect hairs; TL 2.8-3.6 mm; uniform medium to dark brown - south-eastern Africa | 14 |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum without erect hairs | . |
. | . | afrum - first tergite of gaster without erect hairs; TL 3.6-4.3 mm; head in profile with a distinct posteroventral occipital angle; uniform medium to dark brown - sub-Saharan Africa except far south | 22 |
. | . | afrum | . |
. | . | First tergite of gaster with erect hairs | . |
. | . | micropacum - first tergite of gaster with about 10 pairs of hairs; smaller TL 2.4 mm; dull light brown - South Africa | 38 |
. | . | First tergite of gaster with only 1-2 pairs of hairs anterior to apical row; larger | . |
. | . | opacum - propodeum profile almost horizontal with smooth transition into declivity; TL 3.3-3.5 mm; yellowish to pale medium brown - eastern Africa | 39 |
. | . | subdentatum - propodeum profile sloping posteriorly, with angled transition into declivity; TL 3.1-3.3 mm; yellowish to pale medium brown - Zaïre | 39 |
Head weakly sculptured to near smooth | |||
Petiole with a short peduncle | |||
. | Distinctive large eyes and near square heads; head with sculpturation of fine reticulation overlayed by fine striations - areniphilum-complex - | ||
. | Reduced sculpturation, so generally quite shiny - salomonis-complex - | ||
. | Head much less strongly or distinctly sculptured; in most petiole with moderate pedicel subtended by a blunt process; generally brownish, with lighter appendages - subopacum-complex - | ||
Petiole with a relatively long peduncle | |||
. | Sculpturation even more reduced, with head and alitrunk similar - tchelichofi-complex - | ||
. | Much reduced sculpturation, large eyes and long to very long scapes; elongated overall shape - viator-complex - | ||
. | With reduced sculpturation and reduced pilosity (a catch-all collection) - mediocre-complex - | ||
. | Small to minute species, with fine sculpturation giving silky appearance [Curiously there are no illustrations in the literature - despite the proliferation of species by Bolton, 1987] - australe-complex - | ||
areniphilum-complex | 2 | Distinctive large eyes and near square heads; head with sculpturation of fine reticulation overlayed by fine striations | |
. | . | areniphilum - distinctive large eyes, HW = HL; head with sculpturation of fine reticulation overlayed by fine striations; TL 3.1-4.3 mm; variable brown - Sahel zone | 23 & 51 |
. | . | areniphilum | . |
. | . | pullulum new status - TL 3.7-4.0 mm; head about 1/6 longer than wide, with convex sides and straight occipitum; black with a little brownish; mandibles, funiculi, anterior of pronotum, base of petiole, genae and tarsi reddish-brown; densely reticulate, granular and matt - Sahel zone | not in key |
. | . | pullulum | . |
salomonis-complex | 2 | Reduced sculpturation, so generally quite shiny | |
. | . | salomonis - TL 2.5-3.5 mm; moderately shiny; variably coloured brown with gaster darker - widespread tramp | not in key |
. | . | salomonis | . |
. | . | hercules
- TL 3.1-3.6 mm; dark red brown, with redder mandibles - Sudan -seems
likely to be a junior synonym of salomonis |
not in key |
subopacum-complex | 8 | Head much less strongly or distinctly sculptured; in most petiole with longer pedicel subtended by a blunt process; generally brownish, with lighter appendages | |
. | . | delagoense - pronotum dorsum with erect hairs; TL 3.1-3.9 mm; uniform dark brown - Mozambique & South Africa | 15 |
. | . | 15 | |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum without erect hairs | . |
. | . | Dorsum of head with no more than faint
patterning, polished and shiny drapenum - dorsum of head with erect hairs; TL 2.4-2.6 mm; head and gaster dark brown, remainder lighter - Namibia |
32 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Dorsum of head without erect hairs | . |
. | . | ophthalmicum - with relatively large eyes and short scapes; mesonotum dips to metanotal suture but that is not impressed; TL 2.3 mm; medium brown, legs and antennae dull yellow - Ethiopia | 31 |
. | . | kitectum - alitrunk with smooth near flat profile; TL 2.2-2.3 mm; brown wth gaster darker - Namibia | 32 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | willowmorense - alitrunk with impressed metanotal suture, TL 2.5-3.0 mm; medium brown, gaster usually darker - South Africa | 32 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Dorsum of head with distinct sculpturation, at least enough to give dull appearance | . |
. | . | ocellatum - first gastral tergite with numerous evenly distributed erect hairs; TL 3.1-3.7 mm - South Africa | 48 |
. | . | First gastral tergite with sparse erect hairs | . |
. | . | herero - anterior clypeal margin straight; dorsum of head with 3-4 pairs of erect hairs; TL 2.8-3.1 mm - Namibia | 53 |
. | . | subopacum
- anterior clypeal margin indented; TL ca 2.4 mm - widespread
semi-desert species in northern Africa, introduced to South Africa Note Bolton (1987) had TL 3.1-3.4; Mayr (1861: 72) for mediterraneum had TL 2.8-3.0 ; yellowish brown-red; gaster darker than head and alitrunk |
53 |
tchelichofi-complex | 5 | Sculpturation even more reduced, with head and alitrunk similar | |
. | . | Promesonotum with erect hairs | . |
. | . | excelsior - glossy dark brown, TL 3.3-3.5 mm - South Africa | 11 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | ilgii - uniform yellow, TL 2.7-3.1 mm - Ethiopia | 11 |
. | . | Promesonotum without erect hairs | . |
. | . | orangiae - promesonotum sculpture almost effaced, propodeum with distinct lateral margination; petiole node smooth; TL 3.7-4.0 mm; uniform dark glossy brown - South Africa | 34 |
. | . | orangiae | . |
. | . | Promesonotum with fine but distinct sculpture, also on petiole node | . |
. | . | fridae - TL 3.1-3.2 mm; HW 0.67-0.68; SI 101-103; glossy chestnut brown - South Africa | 35 |
. | . | tchelichofi - TL 3.8-4.0 mm; HW 0.74-0.82; SI 95-100; dark brown, gaster darker - South Africa | 35 |
viator-complex | 4 | Much reduced sculpturation, large eyes and long to very long scapes; elongated overall shape | |
. | . | Without erect hairs on the alitrunk | . |
. | . | mantazenum - relatively small eyes; TL 2.7-3.0 mm; black to blackish-brown, mandibles yellow - Namibia | 46 |
. | . | viator - with extremely large eyes, 0.37-0.40 X HW, TL 3.0-3.7 mm; alitrunk yellowish orange to reddish brown, head and gaster usually darker, appendages dull yellow - Namibia | 28 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | With erect hairs on the alitrunk | . |
. | . | marshi - TL 2.7-3.2 mm; alitrunk light to dull orange, gaster dark brown to black - Namibia | 16 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | vatranum - TL 2.7-3.0 mm; usually very dark brown - Namibia | 16 |
. | . | . | |
mediocre-complex | 6 | With reduced sculpturation and reduced pilosity (a catch-all collection) - all small species | |
. | . | Eyes set at the mid-point of the head | . |
. | . | nirvanum - petiole node with a single pair of erect hairs projecting posteriorly; TL 2.1 mm; SI 95-100; light yellowish-brown - Namibia | 26 |
. | . | mediocre - petiole node without erect hairs; TL 1.9-2.0 mm, SI 90-93; yellow - Zimbabwe & South Africa | 27 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Eyes set at least slightly forward of mid-point of the head | . |
. | . | Dorsum of head finely sculptured | . |
. | . | osiridis - TL 1.7-1.9 mm; with fine shagreening on dorsum of head; uniform dull yellow - Kenya & Gambia | 76 |
. | . | osiridis | |
. | . | esharre - with relatively narrow head; TL 1.9-2.0 mm; head and gaster blackish-brown, alitrunk lighter brown - Namibia | 27 |
. | . | Dorsum of head almost smooth | . |
. | . | rabirium - very faintly sculptured but pronotal dorsum reticulate to shagreened; TL 1.7 mm, SI 92.97; yellow - Namibia | 25 & 77 |
. | . | zulu - very similar but pronotal dorsum unsculptured; TL 1.7-1.9 mm; SI 85-88 - South Africa | 77 |
australe-complex | 12 | Small to minute species, with fine sculpturation giving silky appearance [Curiously there are no illustrations in the literature - despite the proliferation of species by Bolton, 1987; the placement of senegalense seems likely to be wrong] | |
. | . | senegalense - status dubious - TL 3.5-3.8 mm (Roger, 1862c) - Senegal | o |
A | . | With numerous erect hairs on first gastral tergite in addition to apical row | . |
. | . | Alitrunk and gaster similarly coloured not contrasting | . |
. | . | carbo - uniformly brown; TL 2.3-2.4 mm, SI 102-107 - Ethiopia | 47 |
. | . | minor - uniformly yellow; TL 2.6-2.9 mm, SI 108-116 - southwest Africa | 47 |
. | . | Alitrunk and gaster obviously contrasting | . |
. | . | dakarense - eye with 7-8 ommatidia in longest row; TL 2.2-2.3 mm; head and alitrunk orange-yellow, gaster blackish-brown - Senegal & Gambia | 49 |
. | . | parvinode - eye with 10 ommatidia in longest row; TL 2.2 mm; head and alitrunk medium yellowish-brown - north-east Africa | 49 |
B | . | With no more than 1-3 pairs of erect hairs on first gastral tergite | . |
. | . | sutu - eye with more than 10 ommatidia in the longest row; TL 2.7-3.0 mm; head yellowish-brown, promesonotum slightly darker but remainder much darker, gaster very dark brown - Kenya | 52 |
. | . | Eye with 7-9 ommatidia in the longest row | . |
. | . | disertum - with relatively short scapes, TL 2.0-2.2 mm SL 0.40-0.43; SI 89-93; pale brownish yellow, gaster may be darker - Zimbabwe | 54 |
. | . | Scapes with SL 0.47-0.57, SI 100-110 | . |
. | . | Head strongly sculptured, shagreened, dull & opaque | . |
. | . | damarense - dorsum of head without erect hairs; TL 2.2-2.8 mm; eyes 0.27-0.31 X HW; light to medium brown - southern Africa | 23 & 56 |
. | . | opacior - dorsum of head with 2 pairs of erect hairs behind level of frontal lobes; TL 2.2-2.4 mm, eyes 0.24-0.26 X HW; dull light brown, gaster much darker - Namibia & Botswana | 56 |
. | . | Head very weakly sculptured, near smooth and weakly shining | . |
. | . | termitarium - TL 2.5-2.6 mm; entirely yellow - Botswana | 57 |
. | . | Head & alitrunk medium brown, gaster dark brown | . |
. | . | anceps - pronotal dorsum finely shagreened, with rough appearance but mesonotum contrasting reticulo-punctate; TL 2.5-2.6 mm, HW 0.47, SL 0.47 - South Africa | 58 |
. | . | australe - pronotal dorsum finely reticulate and mesonotum more strongly so but not contrasting; TL 2.5-2.6 mm, HW 0.50-0.52 SL 0.50-0.54 - South Africa | 58 |
Propodeal dorsum unsculptured | |||
monomorium-group (Monomorium) |
69 | Antennae with 11-12 segments; alitrunk dorsum with standing hairs, at least on pronotal humeri | |
. | Antennae 12-segmented | ||
. | Antennae 11-segmented | ||
. | Scapes reaching or surpassing the occiput, SI 95-102 (otherwise grouped with species with 12-segmented antennae) | ||
. | . | strangulatum
- TL 1.8-2.0 mm; all over dark brown, except for contrasting yellow
appendages - West Africa & Congo Basin (in strangulatum-complex,
Bolton, 1987) |
146 |
. | . | strangulatum | . |
. | . | clavicorne
- antennae 11-segmented; TL 1.4 mm; head an elongated rectangle; eyes
set forward of midline of head; yellow or pale testaceous -
Extra-limital, plus Sudan and Senegal |
not in key |
. | Scapes not reaching occiput SI usually < 95 | ||
. | Large relatively high postpetiole, convex propodeum - bequaerti-complex - | ||
. | Eyes reduced with a ring of ommatidia enclosing a single longitudinal row of 2-4 ommatidia; propodeal profile in most a shallow smooth curve - boerorum-complex; Lampyromyrmex sub-complex - | ||
bequaerti-complex | 3 | Large postpetiole which is almost as voluminous as petiole; propodeum convex | |
. | . | rosae - blackish-brown to jet black; TL 1.6-2.0 mm - West Africa | 150 |
. | . | rosae | . |
. | . | bequaerti - light glossy brown; in dorsal view both petiole and postpetiole longer than wide; TL 1.9 mm - Zaïre | 151 |
. | . | bequaerti | . |
. | . | pulchrum - head and alitrunk glossy dull yellow to pale brown, gaster darker; in dorsal view both petiole and postpetiole shorter than wide; TL 1.7-1.9 mm - Zimbabwe | 151 |
. | . | . | |
- sub-complex A (Lampyromyrmex) |
7 | Convenience lumping of other species with 11-segmented antennae; eyes reduced with a ring of ommatidia enclosing a single longitudinal row of 2-4 ommatidia; propodeal profile in most a shallow smooth curve | |
. | . | guillarmodi - alitrunk dorsum without erect hairs; TL 1.6-1.7 mm; glossy light medium brown - Lesotho | 145 |
. | . | Alitrunk dorsum with erect hairs | . |
. | . | spectrum - distinctively coloured with white legs contrasting with glossy dark brown body; TL 1.2-1.3 mm - Gabon | 147 |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum anteriorly with a single pair of long erect hairs | . |
. | . | taedium - larger, TL 1.6-1.7 mm, dark brown - South Africa | 153 |
. | . | mictilis - TL 1.2-1.3 mm; dull yellow - eastern & southern Africa - note Bolton (1987: 320) separated this as having the head with a noticeably depressed profile (both upper and lower surfaces) - the head of the type specimen (Antweb photo) is not depressed! Fresh specimens have the posterior half of the gaster dark contrasting with the otherwise quite bright yellow of the head and body | 154 |
. | . | mictilis | |
. | fastidium - TL 1.4 mm; uniform dull pale yellow - South Africa - possible junior synonym of mictilis | 154 | |
. | . | Pronotum dorsum with two pairs of long erect hairs anteriorly | . |
. | . | exiguum - anterior half of pronotum dorsum lacking a clump of 4 or more erect hairs; petiole short with a short anterior ventral process; TL 1.5-1.7 mm; variable clear yellow to dark brown (possibly a mixture of similar species) - Pan-African forests | 155 |
. | . | exiguum type form | . |
. | . | exiguum minutissimum form | . |
. | . | exiguum faurei form | . |
. | . | vaguum -
anterior half of pronotum with a clump of 4 or more erect hairs; TL
1.3-1.4 mm CI 76-82; eye near circular, EI 20-23; dull yellow to medium
brown (possibly a mixture of similar
species) - widely distributed |
155 |
. | . | vaguum | . |
. | . | atomum -
promesonotum profile more convex; erect hairs appear finer; TL
1.2-1.3 mm CI 76; eye longitudinally ovoid, EI 17; yellow to reddish
yellow; entirely smooth and very shiny - Egypt across South Asia |
extralimital |
. | Antennae 12-segmented | ||
. | Petiole node in profile a high narrow cone | ||
. | Petiole node in profile a low cone | ||
. | Clypeal carinae sharp and close together, eyes round or near round; scapes relatively long SI 95-110 - schultzei-complex - | ||
. | Like schultzei-complex but eyes more elongate and scapes relatively short, failing to reach the occiput (just reach in binatu) - rhopalocerum-complex - | ||
. | Sharp but well-separated clypeal carinae, without anterior teeth; scapes surpass occiput - strangulatum-complex - | ||
. | Eyes smaller and set well forward; petiole subconical - leopoldinum-complex [Note - leopoldinum itself is a junior synonym of madecassum according to Hetterick (2002) - | ||
Petiole node in profile a high narrow cone | |||
. | Large size, small eyes, short scapes & very dense pilosity - iyenasu-complex (single species) - | ||
. | Distinctive high petiole node; scapes not reaching occipitum; clypeus with sharp carinae set close together and projecting at the anterior clypeal margin - altinode-complex - | ||
. | Large eyes at least 0.30 X HW and set well forward; petiole subconical in profile - katir-complex - | ||
. | Petiole node high, narrow or cuneate in profile, petiole with pronounced antero-ventral process - malatu-complex - | ||
. | Residual "convenience" lumping of 15 species - boerorum-complex - | ||
. | . | monomorium - with thick erect hairs all over; TL 1.5-1.7 mm; piceous, very shiny, smooth - extra-limital and included for comparison | not in key |
. |
. |
monomorium |
. |
altinode-complex | 9 | Distinctive high petiole node; scapes not reaching occipitum | |
. | . | mirandum - strikingly bicoloured, clear yellow except for alitrunk, petiole and postpetiole which are black or blackish-brown; TL 1.8-1.9 mm - Kenya | 99 |
. | . | Various colours but not strikingly bicoloured | . |
. | . | Propodeal spiracle a conspicuous circle | . |
. | . | occidentale - anterior clypeal margin with a carinae extended to form a pair of elongate teeth; TL 1.8-2.1 mm; dark brown, gaster often darker - West Africa | 114 |
. | . | captator - anterior clypeal margin with carinae forming no more than denticles; TL 1.8-1.9 mm; glossy dull yellow, head slightly darker than alitrunk - Congo Basin | 117 |
. | . | Propodeum spiracle a small to minute circular opening | . |
. | . | vonatu - both petiole and postpetiole with a sharp margin around sides and dorsum; TL 2.0 mm; glossy black - Ghana & Gambia | 119 |
. | . | Petiole and postpetiole not sharp edged | . |
. | . | angustinode - propodeum with spiracle almost at top of sides (each visible from above as at the apex of a tubercle); prodeum dorsum and declivity with the transition a smoothly curve; TL 1.9-2.0 mm; light brownish yellow, head and gaster slightly darker than alitrunk - Zaïre | 129 |
. | . | angustinode | . |
. | . | Propodeum with spiracles set lower and not on tubercles; transition from dorsum to declivity a rounded angle | . |
. | . | fugelanum - with large eyes, 0.26-0.28 x HW, and a minute propodeal spiracle; yellow; TL 1.8 mm - Botswana | 130 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Eyes smaller, maximum 0.24 X HW, and propodeal spiracle small but a distinct circle | . |
. | arnoldi - with relatively long scapes, SI 95-98, and small eyes, 0.20-0.22 X HW; petiole narrowly crested; glossy yellow to light brownish-yellow; TL 2.0-2.1 mm - Zimbabwe | 131 | |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Scapes relatively short, SI 87-95, and eyes 0.22-0.24 X HW | . |
. | . | altinode
- promesonotum with 5 pairs of erect hairs; TL 1.7 mm; yellow - Congo
Basin |
132 |
. | . | altinode | . |
. | . | tynsorum
- promesonotum with 7-8 pairs of erect hairs; TL 2.1-2.3 mm; yellow -
Angola & Gabon |
132 |
. | . | tynsorum | . |
katir-complex | 4 | Large eyes at least 0.30 X HW set well forward; petiole subconical in profile | |
. | . | Uniform dark brown to blackish | . |
. | . | balathir
- anterior alitrunk with 8-10 erect hairs; longest hairs on first
gastral tergite longer than maximum diameter of the eye; TL 2.3 mm;
glossy dark brown appendages yellow - Burkina Faso & Senegal Senegal workers smaller than type description. |
122 |
. | . | manir - anterior alitrunk with 3-4 pairs of erect hairs; longest hairs on first gastral tergite shorter than maximum diameter of the eye; TL 1.8 mm; glossy dark brown appendages lighter - Kenya & Sudan | 122 |
. | . | Uniform yellow to light brownish yellow | . |
. | . | holothir - alitrunk with more than 3 pairs of erect hairs; TL 1.8-1.9 mm - Kenya | 123 |
. | . | katir - alitrunk with one pair of erect hairs on each segment; TL 1.7-1.9 mm - Namibia | 123 |
. | . | . | |
leopoldinum-complex | 6 | Eyes smaller and set well forward; petiole subconical | |
. | . | Propodeal spiracle a conspicuously large circle | .. |
. | . | lene - head and body yellow; dorsal alitrunk with numerous erect hairs; TL 1.8-2.1 mm - Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe | 117 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | borlei - head and body brown; dorsal alitrunk with only 4 pairs of erect hairs, 3 pairs being on the promesonotum; TL 1.9-2.4 mm - Congo & Angola | 118 |
. | . | borlei | . |
. | . | madecassum [j.syn. leopoldinum] - head and body brown; whole of head and body with many erect hairs; TL 1.9-2.4 mm - Sudan, Kenya, Zaïre; Madagascar | 118 |
. | . | madecassum | . |
. | . | Propodeal spiracle a small pinhole | . |
. | . | Anterior clypeal margin concave with projecting lateral denticles | . |
. | . | rastractum - promesonotal dorsum with 6-7 pairs of erect hairs; eye diameter max 0.27 X HW; TL 1.9 mm; yellow - Kenya | 128 |
. | . | springvalense - promesonotal dorsum with 3-4 pairs of erect hairs; eye diameter max 0.21-0.23 X HW; TL 2.0-2.1 mm; alitrunk yellow, head and gaster brownish - Zimbabwe | 128 |
. | . | Anterior clypeal margin near straight without projecting denticles | . |
. | . | pallidipes - TL 1.5 mm; promesonotum with 5 pairs of erect hairs; uniform brown (Bolton) plus paler appendages (Forel) - Eritrea & Tanzania | 142 |
. | . | pallidipes | . |
schultzei-complex | 10 | Clypeal carinae sharp and close together, eyes round or near round | |
. | . | Scapes reaching or slightly surpassing occiput | . |
. | . | fasciatum - TL 1.8 mm; clear reddish yellow, gaster ochraceous with a transverse dark band - Kenya & Tanzania -status confirmed | o not in key |
. | . | fasciatum | . |
. | . | speluncarum - scapes slightly surpass occipitum, SI 106-107; TL 1.6-1.7 mm; uniform pale yellow - Kenya & Tanzania | 103 |
. | . | speluncarum | |
. | . | Scapes not reaching occiput | . |
. | . | In profile alitrunk with a very narrow metanotal suture that has only inconspicuous cross ribbing; propodeal spiracle minute | . |
. | . | bevisi - promesonotum with 8 + pairs of erect hairs; dingy light brown; TL 2.4-2.6 mm - Lesotho | 107 |
. | . | excensurae - promesonotum with 4-6 pairs of erect hairs; yellow; eyes smallish 0.20-0.23 X HW; SI 104-110; TL 1.9-2.2 mm - South Africa | 108 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | schultzei - promesonotum with 4-6 pairs of erect hairs; yellow; eyes larger 0.24-0.27 X HW and scapes shorter SI 97-102; TL 2.0-2.2 mm - southern Africa | 108 |
. | . | In profile alitrunk with a broad metanotal suture that has conspicuous cross ribbing; propodeal spiracle large and conspicuous | . |
. | . | kineti - propodeum with a flat to slightly concave dorsum with weakly flanged edges; TL 2.2-2.4 mm; dull yellow to brownish-yellow (dark brown, Weber) - South Sudan | 109 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Propodeum dorsum transversely convex or if flat without flanged borders | . |
. | . | Promesonotal dorsum with 4-6 pairs of erect hairs | . |
. | . | arboreum
- metanotal suture shallowly impressed and only moderately broad;
propodeum profile with flat area; TL 2.1-2.3 mm; dull yellow, occiput
and posterior gaster darker - South Sudan & Kenya (no type
photographs available) |
111 |
. | . | crawleyi
- metanotal suture unusually wide and prodeum dorsum uniformly convex;
TL 2.3-2.4 mm; yellow with occiput and posterior gaster darker -
Ethiopia and Congo |
111 |
. | . | crawleyi | . |
. | . | Promesonotal dorsum with 8 or more pairs of erect hairs | . |
. | . | firmum - petiole with a conspicous anterior ventral lobe; sides of head with all hairs decumbent to appressed; TL 2.6-2.8 mm; yellow - Zimbabwe | 112 |
. | . | 112 | |
. | . | vecte - petiole with anterior ventral process a low ridge; sides of head with hairs semi-erect; TL 2.0-2.4 mm; yellow with a darker band apically on first gastral tergite - Zimbabwe & Rwanda | 112 |
. | . | . | |
rhopalocerum-complex | 5 | Like schultzei-complex but eyes more elongate and scapes relatively short | |
. | . | termitobium binatu - scapes just surpassing the occiput, SI 100-105; TL 1.9-2.0 mm; yellow, gaster slightly darker - Zimbabwe | 101 |
. | . | Scapes not reaching the occiput | . |
. | . | pacis - nomen dubum - TL1.9 mm; dull pale yellow, gaster with brown bands (close to rhopalocerum) - South Africa | -- |
. | . | rhopalocerum - with relatively small eyes, maximum diameter 0.18-0.20 X HW; TL 2.0-2.2 mm; dull yellow, gaster may be brownish - South Africa | 137 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | Eyes larger 0.20-0.25 X HW | . |
. | . | tablense - petiole with high narrow node; TL 2.1-2.2 mm; brownish-yellow to light brown - South Africa | 138 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | termitobium exchao - petiole node a lower dome but still relatively narrow apically; promesonotal dorsum with 4 + pairs of erect hairs; TL 1.9-2.0 mm; uniform yellow - South Africa | 140 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | symmotu - petiole with a low rounded node; promesonotal dorsum with 3 pairs of erect hairs; TL 1.8-1.9 mm; yellow - Zimbabwe | 140 |
. | . | . | |
strangulatum-complex | 5 | Sharp but well-separated clypeal carinae, without anterior teeth; scapes surpass occiput; petiole with long narrow pedicel (note M. strangulatum has 11-segmented antennae) | |
. | . | egens - head with weakly concave occiput; promesonotum with flat dorsum and angled margins; TL 2.0-2.5 mm; brown to blackish brown - West Africa & Congo Basin | 98 |
. | . | egens | . |
. | . | Promesonotum convex and without angled margins | . |
. | . | gabrielense - West Africa & Congo Basin - pale yellow with a brownish gaster; TL 1.5-1.6 mm | 103 |
. | . | gabrielense | . |
. | . | draxocum
- head with convex occipitum, in profile both dorsum and ventral head
convex; mesopleuron with distinct reticulo-puncturation; dark brown
with very pale legs; TL1.7-1.9 mm; - Cameroun to Angola Note: Bolton (1987) felt that draxocum and noxitum might well be synonymous. |
105 |
. | . | noxitum - legs contrast with brown body but are yellowish, gaster blackish; TL 2.0-2.1 mm - Cameroun | 105 |
malatu-complex | 5 | Petiole node high, narrow or cuneate in profile, petiole with pronounced antero-ventral process - that is according to Bolton. However, the visual evidence is of a postero-ventral bulge below the petiole node. | |
. | . | dolatu - unique to complex as having 11-segmented antennae; TL 1.4-1.5 mm; yellow, posterior of head darker and transverse dark band on first gastral tergite - West Africa - note the image is representative of specimens from Cameroun all of which have 12-segmented antennae | 148 |
. | . | 12-segmented antennae | . |
. | . | Dorsum of propodeum sculptured; dark brown to blackish brown | . |
. | . | affabile - smaller, TL 1.5 mm; with a narrower head and proportionally longer scapes SI 88; clypeal carinae sharper - Zaïre | 84 |
. | . | malatu - larger, TL 1.9-2.1 mm; with a wider head and relatively shorter scapes, SI 80-85; propodeum reticulo-punctate - Congo Basin into Uganda forests | 84 |
. | . | malatu | . |
. | . | Dorsum of propodeum unsculptured; all over smooth and shiny | . |
. | . | disoriente - maximum diameter of eye 0.24 X HW, SI 92; TL 1.8 mm; glossy pale brown, gaster slightly darker - Tanzania | 125 |
. | . | .5 | |
. | . | tanysum - maximum diameter of eye 0.17-0.18 X HW, SI 86-88; TL 1.5-1.6 mm; brown with gaster darker almost blackish brown - Ghana | 125 |
iyenasu-complex | 1 | Large size, small eyes, short scapes & very dense pilosity | |
. | . | iyenasu - TL ca 3.5 mm; yellowish-brown, occiput and apical gaster darker - Tanzania | 97 |
boerorum-complex | 15 | Convenience lumping of remaining species with 12-segmented antennae | |
sub-complex B | 6 | Antennae 12-segmented; eyes reduced with a ring of ommatidia enclosing a single longitudinal row of 2-4 ommatidia; propodeal profile may be quite domed | |
. | . | sryetum - promesonotal dorsum with only one pair of erect hairs; propodeum without erect hairs; TL 1.5 mm; vary pale yellow, gaster whitish yellow - Botswana | 92 |
. | . | Promesonotal dorsum with more than one pair of erect hairs; propodeum with at least one pair of erect hairs | . |
. | . | Dorsum of head medium to blackish brown | . |
. | . | floricola - bicoloured, head dark brown, alitrunk lighter, usually yellow; anterior margin of clypeus with prominent median section; TL 1.7-2.0 mm - pantropical tramp | 94 |
. | floricola | . | |
. | . | inquietum - head and alitrunk the same shade of brown; anterior margin of clypeus evenly convex; TL 1.7-1.8 mm - Zaïre | 94 |
. | . | Dorsum of head pale yellow to dingy yellow | . |
. | . | shilohense - first gastral tergite evenly yellow; eye max diameter 0.23-0.24 X HW; TL 1.5-1.6 mm - Zimbabwe | 95 |
. | . | First gastral tergite with basal half yellow, apex brown | . |
. | . | trake - small species, TL 1.6 mm; with relatively short scapes SI 73 - Ghana | 96 |
. | . | rotundatum - larger species, TL 1.7-2.0 mm; with relatively longer scapes SI 79-83 - Kenya, South Africa | 96 |
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rotundatum |
. |
sub-complex C | 9 | Antennae 12-segmented; eye with two or more median longitudinal rows; propodeal profile essentially domed; petiole quite short and in most with a narrow, blade-like subpetiolar process | |
. | . | kelapre - propodeal spiracle with a large conspicuous circular opening; TL 1.9 mm; glossy light brown - South Africa | 115 |
. | . | Propodeal spiracle with a minute circular opening | . |
. | . | lubricum - anterior ventral process of petiole a large keel-like translucent lamina; TL 2.3-2.5 mm; glossy dark brown- South Africa | 133 |
. | . | Subpetiolar process much less prominent | . |
. | . | Relatively large species, TL at least 1.8 mm | . |
. | . | boerorum - clypeus with vestigial or no carinae, anterior margin evenly and broadly convex, TL 1.9-2.0 mm; eyes 0.19-0.21 X HW; glossy dark brown - South Africa | 135 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | paternum - clypeus with well developed carinae and projecting centre to anterior margin; TL 2.3 mm; eyes 0.18 X HW; glossy medium to dark brown - South Africa | 137 |
. | . | . | |
. | . | nuptialis - clypeus with well developed carinae and projecting centre to anterior margin; TL 1.8 mm; eyes 0.22 X HW; glossy light brown to yellowish brown - Zimbabwe | 139 |
. | . | Small species TL < 1.7 mm | . |
. | . | braunsi - promesonotum with a single pair of erect hairs at humeral angles; petiole node very low and rounded; TL 1.6 mm; uniformly yellow - South Africa | 141 |
. | . | Promesonotum with 3-5 pairs of erect hairs; petiole node subconical | . |
. | . | mavide - minute with small eyes; TL 1.4-1.5 mm, eyes 0.19 x HW; head and gaster brown, alitrunk light brownish-yellow - South Africa | 143 |
. | . | torvicte - uniformly dark brown, TL 1.5-1.6 mm; SI 76-80, eye 0.20-0.21 X HW - South Africa | 144 |
. | . | musicum - uniformly yellow, TL 1.6-1.7 mm; SI 81-84, eye 0.22-0.24 X HW - South Africa | 144 |
MYRMICINAE Introduction |
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