Monomorium invidium Bolton
Type location Nigeria
(Bolton, 1987: 427, illustrated, full-face view, and lateral profile,
worker) collected at IITA by A. Russell-Smith, 28.iv.1981, holotype, 10
paratypes and one alate female .
description (1987) is at .
Bolton (1987) noted a small variation between the many specimens he
examined; TL 1.8-2.3, HL 0.46-0.65, HW 0.39-0.48; some without
sculpturation on the propodeal dorsum and/or the lateral alitrunk;
propodeum outline varying from narrowly to bluntly rounded to sharply
obtusely angular. Even, so, from the specimens available to me and that
I drew in Nigeria, it seems there are two variations in general
form. The one form (top pair) is perhaps slightly smaller and less
dark, with a more rounded head and thicker pedicel segments. The
form illustrated by Bolton (1987, without any details of location), and
photographed by me from a Cameroun specimen, is generally dark, near
black, with a rectangular head and narrower. higher pedicel
segments. The latter, seems scarcely different from Monomorium guineensis.
From Ghana at Mampong (P.M. Room) (Bolton,
1987). It was
described as widespread by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b), who found it
very numerous workers (3432) from leaf litter samples, and 62 in soil
samples, at nineteen locations in the semi-deciduous forest zone.
In Ivory Coast, at Sassandra, Banco National Park
and Man (I. Löbl, probably March 1977), Bingerville and Issoneu (V.
Mahnert & J.-L. Perret, October 1980), Nzi Noua (W.L. Brown) and
Abidjan (T. Diomande) (Bolton, 1987).
Also Guinea, Mt. Nimba (Villiers); primary
forest leaf litter in north-east of massif (Bernard, 1952). In
Bernard's text under Monomorium occidentale as "co-types" but
after examining the specimens, Bolton (1987) placed them with his newly
defined species invidium.
From Cameroun, at Nko'emvon (D.A. Jackson)
(Bolton, 1987).
specimens (Monomorium species T³ in Taylor, 1980a: 33). WORKER.
TL 1.87 mm, HL 0.47, HW 0.39, SL 0.31, PW 0.26
Colour very dark brown, appendages lighter, shiny with polished
appearance. Lateral mesonotum punctate ventrally; propodeum with
distinct dorsal and posterior surfaces; dorsal face margined, faint
rugae ventro-laterally. Abundant semi-prone hairs on the head,
moderately abundant erect hairs on the rest of the body. Petiole
flattened in side view to a thick scale, the apex broadened in front
view. Clypeal carinae well developed and extending forwards as sharp
Collected by me from the base of a cocoa tree at the
Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre (in Bolton, 1987); also
from Nigeria, at CRIN (B. Bolton), and Ile-Ife (J.T. Medler).
photomontage is of the holotype worker collated
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium invidium
B Taylor det. |
G Debout & A Dalecky
Cameroon 58c
2°33.97' N
9°50.62' E
EBO, 70 m from
village; flat terrain), 10 April 2001
on soil and surface at sardine oil bait
Monomorium invidium
B Taylor det. |
A Feugang
sur le cadavre de
rat, capture par le fillet
The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun -
south-western tropical coastal forest
area between Edéa and Campo (McKey Wolbachia project; Cameroon
The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun, A Feugang