Monomorium nitidiventre Emery
Monomorium key
Iran list Egypt
Type location Yemen
(Emery, 1893f: 256, worker; Mayr, 1901b: 7, queen; Karavaiev, 1911: 5,
male; raised to species Collingwood, 1985: 272); type location wrongly
given in Bolton (1995: 265) as Egypt; see below
new junior synonym
- judaicum (Menozzi, 1933b: 63, illustrated, worker) from Israel
(transferred from subspecies of bicolor) - no images on Antweb
(February 2015). .
Bolton (1987: 331) dealing with the bicolor-complex
described nitidiventre as a sibling species from around the
eastern end of the Mediterranean and did not include it among the
Afrotropical species. He does not appear to have any reference to the
Santschi (1914b: 73) report of nitidiventre from Naivasha, Kenya,
collected by Alluaud & Jeannel, and neither of the papers by
Karavaiev (1911) and Viehmeyer (1923), reporting Sudan
findings, are among his references.
Emery (1893f) simply
noted, specimens from Aden [Yemen],
collected by E Simon, - "differs from type (bicolor) by its
smaller size, TL 2.6-2.8 mm; by its clear colour, which is more orange
where the type is red and by the shiny gaster. Received also from
Cairo". Emery (1908h: 677) had an illustrated note at . Karavaiev (1911) had and . Viehmeyer (1923) had ; Collingwood noted "This small bicoloured
species ... differs from M. bicolor in the shorter head and
appendages, the scape does not reach the occipital border - and by the
presence of more numerous long dorsal hairs all over the alitrunk".
Menozzi's (1933b) illustrated description of judaicum
is at .
The photomontage of a
type collection worker from Yemen is collated from
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium nitidiventre
B Taylor det. |
O Paknia
ZMGU 074
Fars Province
28.4325 N
53.1247222 E |
Ghir Karzin
The photomontage is of
workers from Iran, Fars Province,
collector Omid Paknia. The overall form and size exactly matches nitidiventre. It clearly shows the
bluish sheen to the
gaster and has erect hairs on the underside of the head.