The Ants of Africa
Genus Trichomyrmex
Trichomyrmex abyssinicus (Forel)

The subgenus Holcomyrmex was defined by Mayr (1879: 671), type species Monomorium scabriceps (as Holcomyrmex scabriceps, type location India) - see Emery's key (1915i: 190) {original description}. The main characteristics Emery listed were - antennal club much shorter than rest of funiculus, often indistinct; workers pronouncedly dimorphic.

Trichomyrmex abyssinicus (Forel)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Ethiopia (Holcomyrmex abyssinicus, n. spec., Forel, 1894b: 83, worker; Viehmeyer, 1923: 91, queen); worker & queen only described (see Bolton, 1995).

Genus redefinition by Ward et al. (2014: 10). .

Forel's (1894b) description is at {original description}. Viehmeyer's (1923) description of the queen as Monomorium (Parholcomyrmex) abyssinicum, from Sudan, Dilling, is at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1987) is at {original description}

{Trichomyrmex_abyssinicus}WORKER - TL 2.6-6.7 mm, HL 0.68-2.04; polymorphic, although exhibiting monophasic allometry; granivorous with heavy mandibles; colour of larger workers reddish brown to darker on head and alitrunk, gaster darker again, smaller workers much lighter, still with gaster lighter (Bolton, 1987: 321, illustrated, full-face view of both major and minor workers, profile of major).

Found right across Sahel zone, nests in ground and is granivorous. In West Africa recorded from Burkina Faso, at Ouagadougou (P.M. Room); Ghana, at Amfeda (C. A. Collingwood); and Nigeria, at Mokwa (C.A. Longhurst). Wheeler (1922) had a record from Benin (by Desanti).

Trichomyrmex abyssinicusThe photomontage is of the holotype worker collated from

This fits with the Forel (1894b) maximum size of TL 4 mm and clearly is a medium size worker.

Oxford University Museum specimens

Trichomyrmex abyssinicus
B Taylor det.
B Ndiaye
13°06'30" N
12°05'18" W
elev 264 m
Andiyari 15-V-09 St 14 Termitière épigée
Soudanian savannah, hand collection termite nest
major & minor workers, male & queen
Trichomyrmex abyssinicus
B Taylor det.
B Ndiaye

13°06'30" N
12°05'18" W
Bambaraya 07-V-09 St 4 P 19 B
264 m; Soudanian savannah, pitfall traps
major & media workers
Trichomyrmex abyssinicus
B Taylor det.
B Ndiaye
Maka Madina
13°03'42" N
12°07'03" W
Maka Madina 6-V-09 St 3 P16F
186 m; Soudanian savannah, itfall traps
Trichomyrmex abyssinicus
B Taylor det.
B Ndiaye
13°09'40" N
12°06'46" W
Niakafiri 9-V-09 St 6 P1F [B]
213 m; Soudanian savannah, pitfall traps
Trichomyrmex abyssinicus
B Taylor det.
B Ndiaye
12°05'18" W 
Tandiankunda 05-V-09 St 2 P18F
Soudanian savannah, pitfall traps


{Trichomyrmex abyssinicus major}The photomontage is of a major worker from Senegal, Andiyari; collected by B Ndiaye. 

{Trichomyrmex abyssinicus media}The photomontage is of a media worker from Senegal, Bambaraya; collected by B Ndiaye. 

{Trichomyrmex abyssinicus minor}The photomontage is of a minor worker from Senegal, Andiyari; collected by B Ndiaye. 

{Trichomyrmex abyssinicus queen}The photomontage is of a queen from Senegal, Andiyari; collected by B Ndiaye. 

{Trichomyrmex abyssinicus male}The photomontage is of a male from Senegal, Andiyari; collected by B Ndiaye. 

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
