Arnold's (1946) description of nyasae is at .
WORKER - TL 2.5 mm; head about 14% longer than wide; posterior
angles widely rounded; eyes semi-elliptical; mandibles longitudinally
striate; median area of clypeus striate, apical margin straight; scape
falling short of occiput by as much a length of first funiculus
segment. Only erect hairs mentioned are a pair on the petiole node;
pubescence very sparse short and yellowish. Sculpturation of whole
except gaster dull reticulate-punctate; base of gaster dull, rest
shiny. Cinnamon yellow, propodeum slightly darker, gaster paler or
honey yellow (Arnold: 1946, illustrated NOT as given by Bolton, 1987:
367, not illustrated).
Bolton (1987: 367) has nyasae as a junior synonym of ebangaense
noting - "In the original description of ebangaense Santschi
very erroneously related it to bicolor, and presented some
startlingly inaccurate and misleading drawings of the holotype."
It seems to me, having read Santschi's quite explicit
description - . that he actually
described and drew a Monomorium bicolor variant and
that is very different to nyasae. Thus, I have restored nyasae
to full species status. See Monomorium
ebangaense for a fuller examination.