Monomorium occidentale Bernard
Type location Guinea
(Bernard, 1952: 326, illustrated) collected in Mt. Nimba surveys, at
Ziéla Savano-Tô, at 850 m, by Lamotte; worker and queen described (as
given by Bolton, 1987) .
WORKER - TL 1.8-2.1 mm; clypeal carinae distinct,
divergent anteriorly, with projecting anterior teeth and concave margin
between; colour dark brown, gaster tending to blackish-brown (Bolton,
1987: 404, illustrated full-face view, 10 examined).
Bernard's original description and details differs
somewhat from the information given by Bolton (1987). Collection
information was - "Types: 23 workers of diverse lengths, coming
from stations at Ziéla (Lamotte): savanna at 850 m, termite nests
hidden under herbaceous plants: F 108, T 125, 127, 128, 130. Type
female: one queen from T 125, almost surely the same species. Cotypes:
3 workers from Nimba N.-E., leaf litter from primary forest
Bolton's modern
description (1987) is at .
After examining the specimens, Bolton (1987) placed the
"co-types" with his newly defined species Monomorium
invidium. He compared his designated lectotype (see below) with Monomorium carbonarium from Madeira.
A puzzle is that Bernard gave TL 1.9-3.1 mm; noting that
the length of the majority of Monomorium species varies from
simple to double, but major workers are often missing from collections.
For his species description he used the characters of the media
of 2.0-2.4 mm, which were the most common in the local surveys (18 of
23 from Nimba). Under invidium Bolton reported a size range
(for material from several countries) of TL 1.8-2.3 (15 measured) so
the Villiers specimens (presumably) were not central to Bernard's
Also from Sierra Leone, at Njala (F.A. Squire,
?1947) (Bolton, 1987).