Monomorium rosae Santschi
Type location Zaïre (Monomorium
(Lampromyrmex) Rosae n. sp., Santschi, 1920b: 13, illustrated,
collected by Bequaert, in 1913 - see below
junior synonym cotterelli (Diplomorium cotterelli,
Donisthorpe, 1942f: 217, worker; synonym by Bolton, 1987: 408)
from Ghana at CRIG, G. F.
Cotterell, xii.1940 - see belwo
Worker only described, see Bolton (1995) .
specimens (Monomorium species T4,
Taylor, 1980a). WORKER. TL 1.62 mm, HL 0.45, HW 0.34, SL 0.31, PW 0.19;
others TL 1.6-2.0 mm (Bolton, 1987: 408, not illustrated).
Colour very dark brown-black, shiny, with polished appearance; antennal
funiculi and tarsi yellow. Faint rugae on the lateral mesonotum and
propodeum otherwise unsculptured. Erect hairs moderately long but
relatively sparse with few on the alitrunk. 11-segmented antennae and
clypeal carinae faint.
Collected at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria,
Idi Ayunre by B. Bolton and B. Taylor, I found it on a dead tree; at
IITA, Ibadan, by B.R. Critchley; and, at Mokwa by C. Longhurst (Bolton,
From Ghana, at CRIG also (B. Bolton), Mole (J.C.
Grieg), Mampong (P.M. Room), Maase and Legon (D. Leston) (Bolton,
1987). Since found, seven workers, in cocoa leaf litter, at Ofinso and
Bunso by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).
Others include Senegal, at Noto (C. Agbogba);
also Kenya.
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium rosae
B Taylor det. |
Y Braet
Gabon 47
00°34' N
09°19' E
Pointe Wingombe;
edge of lagoon, sweep net
Monomorium rosae
B Taylor det. |
S Sky Stephens
In personal
collection of S Sky Stephens
06G0024, 06G0033, 06G0086, 06G0087 and 06G0095