Contents Miscellaneous ants - Iran
Myrmica deplanata Emery

Myrmica deplanata Emery

return to listIran list {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Russia (Myrmica lobicornis var. deplanata Emery: 1921f: 38, name only; prior unavailable name Myrmica scabrinodis lobicornis Nyl. var. deplanata nov. var., Ruzsky, 1905b: 700, worker; raised to species Arnol'di, 1934: 169) - no type images on Antweb (April, 2016).
junior synonyms
moravica (Myrmica moravica, Soudek, 1922: 45, illustrated, worker & queen; synonymy by Karavaiev, 1934: 83) type location Czech Republic - see below
plana (Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. var. plana nova, Karavaiev, 1927a: 283, illustrated, worker, synonymy by Arnol'di, 1934: 169) type location Ukraine, Askania Nova - no type images on Antweb (April, 2016).

Myrmica deplanataRuzsky's (1905b) description is at {original description}. TL 3.0-3.5 mm.
Soudek's (1922) description of moravica, with illustration, is at {original description}. Karaviev's (1927a) description of plana, with illustration, is at {original description}. Arnol'di's (1934) description, with illustration, is at {original description}.

Myrmica deplanataAn extract from Radchenko & Elmes' modern redescription (2010), with illustrations, is at {original description}.

{Myrmica deplanata}The photomontage of the moravica type worker is collated from This appears to be the model for the Radchenko & Elmes illustration (above)

Oxford University Museum specimens

Myrmica deplanata
B Taylor det.
F Borjali

37°3747 N
49°7575 E
-28 m
Khoshk-e Bijar
hand collected
city, on willow tree, 100h


{Myrmica deplanata}The photomontage is of a workers from Iran, Khoshk-e Bijar, collected by F Borjali (28). The propodeal spines are longer than in the Radchenko & Elmes example but other characters all fit the description.

© 2016, 2017 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
