Contents The Ants of Africa
Nigeria ant collection locations and cocoa growing areas

{Map of ant collections in Nigeria}

Click cocoa area for detailed map and locations visited for the 76-farm survey

Ref. No. Location Ref. No. Location Ref. No. Location Ref. No. Location
A Abuja B Benin Ba Badeggi C Calabar
G Gusau I Ibadan If Ife Ik Ikom (CRIN)
K Kano L Lagos M Mokwa N Nsukka
O Olokemeji Ob Obudu Og Ogbomosho On Oni
S Sokoto W Warri Z Zaria 1 Zungeru
2 Katsina 3 Maiduguri

This map should be regarded as only an approximate guide.

IITA research station is just north of Ibadan, and Ilugun just east of Ibadan. Agege is just north of Lagos.

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©1998, 2011 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.