Pheidole n. sp. Gabon 143
Type location Gabon
(Pheidole ?, n. sp.) major
& minor
Major: TL ca 7.8 mm, HL 2.60, HW 2.38, SL 1.43, PW 0.90;
CI 91, SI 60, EI 0.1 (EL/HL); head elongated with weakly curved sides;
whole head densely sculptured with striations for whole length, those
on the front curving outward from base to apex, cross webbing and
underlying spiculations between striations, clypeus with strong median
carina and lateral carinae, mandibles striate; whole of alitrunk
sculptured in irregular pattern, propodeal spines acute triangles
pointing vertically upwards; pedicale and gaster spiculate,
postpetiole large and roughly triangular from above but without lateral
processes; dark chestnut brown, with orange legs, mandible near black;
short, quite coarse, orange erect hairs on head, postpetiole and gaster.
Minor: TL ca 4.7 mm, HL 1.15, HW 0.81, SL 1,35, PW 0.60; CI 72 SI 170;