Polyrhachis volkarti Forel
Type location Zaïre (Polyrhachis
revoili st volkarti, Forel, 1916: 453, queen; revision by
Rigato, 2016: 44), holotype female only from
Kinshasa (H. Kohl).
(1973b) opted for Polyrhachis kohli (Forel, 1916:
454, worker & queen; Bolton,
1973b) as a junior
synonym of volkarti.
Although the
choice was correct in a sense of the strain volkarti being
printed on the page immediately ahead of the species kohli, it
was the latter which has a full description and, as it was dedicated to
the finder (of both) M. Kohl, Bolton's choice of the senior name was
unfortunate .
Forel's (1916) description
is at . Bolton's now defunct description (1973b)
is at . Rigato's revised description (2016) is at
Rigato (2016) noted: "Worker. I assign to this species a
series of workers from the Republic of the Congo (n=5). HL 1.36–1.45,
HW 1.11–1.16, CI 80–83, SL 1.74–1.85, SI 151–162, FW 0.40–0.41, FI
35–37, PW 1.00–1.06,
WL 1.87–1.99, HTL 1.70–1.81. They look conspecific with the holotype
gyne in all main features, even if sometimes an ill-defined trace of
pronotal margination appears anteriorly behind the pronotal teeth.
Comment. The P. volkarti gyne
looks very similar to the P. kohli
gyne, except for the significant differences concerning pilosity and
propodeum summarized under kohli.
The workers I assigned to volkarti
have pilosity and
propodeal proportions highly comparable to those of the holotype gyne;
yet further discoveries could demonstrate such workers to belong to a still undescribed species.
Material examined. REP. of the CONGO: Niari Region, 2.30339S 12.83902E,
705 m, 3.vii.2013, primary forest, canopy fogging, (L. Niemand) (5 w,
AFRC: LN RC1 42, 90–93/CASENT0250012–15, CASENT0250031)".