The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetramorium species-groups - Part 3
Tetramorium Introduction

Species groups
Part 3 - former Tetramorium (species with long antennal scapes)

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DIV3 12-segmented antennae (Tetramorium)
{12-segmented antenna}
SD1 Scape index 100 or more (scape longer than head width; usually surpasses occiput)
Otherwise next secondary division next secondary division
Frontal carinae extended back beyond posterior of eyes
Otherwise next stage of key next tertiary division
setigerum-group - complex-A Diameter of eye usually > 0.25 X HW; petiole node high and narrow in dorsal view
Otherwise next stage of key next species group
. With variable clavate hairs Tetramorium parasiticum queen only - South Africa
- With exceptionally long appendages; SI > 150
114 Dorsum of head and alitrunk rugulose with dense inter-rugal sculpture; TL 4.3-4.7 mm; uniform dark brown
{Tetramorium dolichosum}
Tetramorium dolichosum Zaïre
114 Dorsum of head and alitrunk weakly rugulose with little inter-rugal sculpture; TL 4.8-5.4 mm; dark brown
{Tetramorium perlongum}
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. {Tetramorium perlongum} Tetramorium perlongum Angola
- With relatively short appendages
- Propodeum with short spines
155 Sides of head behind eyes without projecting hairs; TL 3.0-3.3 mm; mid-brown
{Tetramorium praetextum}
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. {Tetramorium praetextum} Tetramorium praetextum Namibia
- Propodeum with long spines and strongly developed frontal carinae
138 Smooth mandibles; TL 4.0-4.1 mm; medium to dark brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium agile}
Tetramorium agile Zimbabwe
144 Promesonotal dorsum smooth & shining; mandibles striated; TL 3.0-3.5 mm; mid- to dark brown
{Tetramorium laevithorax}
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. {Tetramorium laevithorax} Tetramorium laevithorax East & South Africa
- Promesonotal dorsum distinctly rugulo-punctate; mandibles striated
145 Eye diameter 0.28-0.31 X HW; smaller specimens HW at least 0.68; with numerous strong standing hairs on dorsum; TL 3.4-4.0 mm; mid- to dark brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium setigerum}
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. {Tetramorium setigerum} Tetramorium setigerum East & South Africa
- Eye diameter 0.25-0.28 X HW; HW 0.58-0.67
146 & 156 Petiole node rounded as shown; striated mandibles; 3.1-3.7 mm; mid-brown or darker
{Tetramorium avium}
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. {Tetramorium avium} Tetramorium avium South Africa
146 Petiole node angular as shown; TL 2.9-3.4 mm; uniform dark brown
{Tetramorium frenchi}
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. {Tetramorium frenchi} Tetramorium frenchi South Africa & Zimbabwe
flabellum-group (part) Diameter of eye no more than 0.24 X HW; petiole node long and low in profile
flabellum-complex With long scapes (SI 90-100+) and strongly developed frontal carinae; clypeus with strong median carina and diagonal lateral carinae
149 Dorsal surfaces with bizarre fan-shaped hairs; TL 2.9-3.2 mm; dark brown
Tetramorium flabellum
Tetramorium flabellum Ivory Coast & Ghana
- Dorsal surfaces with simple, usually stout and blunt, erect hairs
150 Postpetiole dorsum less strongly sculptured than sides or petiole, with a median smooth strip; TL 2.8-3.0 mm; dark brown, gaster lighter
{Tetramorium sigillum}
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. {Tetramorium sigillum} Tetramorium sigillum Ivory Coast
- Postpetiole dorsum sculptured as sides and petiole dorsum
152 Light coloured, yellowish-brown; TL 3.0-3.1 mm
Tetramorium kestrum
Tetramorium kestrum Eastern & southern Africa
153 Dorsum of head with erect hairs no longer than diameter of eye; TL 3.0-3.5 mm; dark brown
{Tetramorium ataxium}
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. {Tetramorium ataxium} Tetramorium ataxium West Africa & Congo Basin
153 Dorsum of head with erect hairs markedly longer than diameter of eye; TL 3.4 mm; reddish-brown dark and glossy

{Tetramorium geminatum}
Tetramorium geminatum Cameroun & Gabon
Frontal carinae end at or forward of posterior of eyes
former Macromischoides
Petiole node high and narrow in profile, in dorsal view broader than long
Otherwise next stage of key next species group
99 Metapleural lobes elongate triangular; petiole with low node; TL 4.8 mm; dark brown
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{Tetramorium Tetramorium rimytyum Ghana
- Metapleural lobes much reduced or absent; petiole node high and narrow in profile
. Petiole with long peduncle; erect pilosity long . .
60 & 100 Petiole with long peduncle; TL 3.2-5.4 mm +; variable forms light brown
to near black
(propodeal spines may be much reduced)
{Tetramorium aculeatum}
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. {Tetramorium aculeatum} Tetramorium aculeatum pan-African forests
. {Tetramorium aculeatum queen} Tetramorium aculeatum queen .
new species Overall size smaller, wing smaller; CuA cell proportionally smaller; mandibles completely smooth; head frontal area with little sculpturation; eye longer than wide (circular in aculeatum); head in profile with occiput shallowly but distinctly convex (near flat in aculeatum); distance between dorsal ocelli = 2.11 X length of ocelli (in aculeatum = 2.84); HW/width across eyes/HW = 123 (aculeatum = 118); CI = 84 (aculeatum CI = 90); funiculus segment 3-4 together shorter than segment 1 (in aculeatum 3+4 = 1); scape proportionally longer and SL greater, SI 131 (aculeatum SI = 110); pronotum dorsum with 9-10 strong parallel rugae; postpetiole in profile relatively narrow; longer erect hairs on hind legs and scapes; overall much paler orange-brown (aculeatum ranging from near black to brown
{Tetramorium robini nsp queen CAR HP}
Tetramorium robini Central African Republic - new species
. Petiole with short peduncle; erect pilosity short . .
60 &100 TL 3.7-4.7 mm; uniform light to medium brown; gaster with dense short pilosity
{Tetramorium africanum}
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Queen {Tetramorium africanum queen} Tetramorium africanum West Africa & Congo Basin
Queen only With erect hairs on gaster absent or restricted to posterior border of segments
{Tetramorium rotudatum queen}
Tetramorium rotundatum Congo Basin
sericeiventre-group Petiole node long and low in profile, in dorsal view usually longer than broad; clypeus laterally with a prominent tooth or crest
Otherwise next stage of key next species group
longicorne-complex Mandibles unsculptured; no pilosity; large eyes
41 TL 4.4-5.1 mm; dull red, gaster darker
{Tetramorium longicorne}
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. {Tetramorium longicorne} Tetramorium longicorne East Africa
bequaerti-complex Striated mandibles; numerous short erect hairs on scapes and tibiae of middle and hind legs
96 All over with very dense pile of short soft hairs; TL 3.3 mm; uniform dark brown
Tetramorium xuthum
Tetramorium xuthum Ghana
- Numerous short erect hairs all stout and scattered
97 Head with distinctive lug on posterior ventral corner; TL 4.3-4.6 mm; dull red
{Tetramorium bequaerti}
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. {Tetramorium bequaerti} Tetramorium bequaerti eastern Zaïre & Tanzania
- Head with rounded posterior ventral corner
98 Dorsum of head behind eyes feebly sculptured to smooth; TL 3.0-3.4 mm; reddish yellow to dull red
{Tetramorium bulawayense}
. ,
. {Tetramorium bulawayense} Tetramorium bulawayense Zimbabwe
98 Dorsum of head behind eyes strongly rugulose; TL 3.0-3.2 mm; reddish yellow to dull red
{Tetramorium hortorum}
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.8 {Tetramorium hortorum} Tetramorium hortorum Zimbabwe
sericeiventre-complex Striated mandibles; no erect hairs on scapes and tibiae of middle and hind legs
- Propodeal dorsum with one or more pairs of erect hairs
Otherwise next stage of key
- Short, stout, erect hairs projecting on sides of head behind the eyes
121 Densely hairy; promesonotum dorsum coarsely longitudinally rugose;
TL 4.1 mm; uniform dark brown, with reddish tint
{Tetramorium asetyum}
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. {Tetramorium asetyum} Tetramorium asetyum Nigeria
121 Densely hairy; promesonotum dorsum smooth or nearly so: TL 3.6-3.7 mm; light brown, with reddish tint, gaster darker
Tetramorium petersi
Tetramorium petersi Namibia
- Without erect hairs projecting behind the eyes
122 Propodeal dorsum with only a single pair of hairs; first gastral tergite with blunt hairs; TL 4.0-4.3 mm; dull red, gaster blackish-brown
{Tetramorium khyarum}
Tetramorium khyarum Nigeria round western savannah to Botswana
122 Propodeal dorsum with several pairs of erect hairs; first gastral tergite with slender acute hairs TL 3.8-4.4 mm; dull red or reddish-brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium sepositum}
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. {Tetramorium sepositum} Tetramorium sepositum Zimbabwe & South Africa
- Without erect hairs on propodeum
123 Dorsal alitrunk very coarsely rugose, spaces shining; TL 3.8-4.5 mm; dark red, gaster blackish, glossy
Tetramorium gladstonei
Tetramorium gladstonei Zimbabwe
124 Dorsal alitrunk and head with fine rugulae and dense reticulate puncturation; base of gaster usually completely finely sculptured, matt and dull; TL 3.3-4.4 mm; colour dull red variable from yellowish through to dark, gaster usually darker
{Tetramorium sericeiventre}
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. {Tetramorium sercieiventre} Tetramorium sericeiventre Pan-african
124 Dorsal alitrunk and head feebly sculptured at most; base of gaster smooth and shiny; TL 3.6-4.0 mm; colour dull red variable from yellowish through to dark, near black
{Tetramorium quadrispinosum}
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. {Tetramorium quadrispinosum} Tetramorium quadrispinosum southern Africa & Madagascar
Queen only inquiline found in nests of sepositum and sericeiventre Tetramorium microgyna Southern Africa
setigerum-group - complex-B Petiole node high and narrow in profile, in dorsal view usually longer than broad; clypeus laterally not strongly modified
- Propodeum with no more than denticles; weak frontal carinae
118 & 157 Sides of head behind eyes with projecting hairs; pronotal dorsum sculptured: TL 3.2-3.8 mm; yellowish-brown to mid-brown
Tetramorium doriae
Tetramorium doriae Ethiopia also Arabian Peninsula
118 & 157 Sides of head behind eyes with projecting hairs; pronotal dorsum mostly unsculptured; TL 3.4 mm; uniform mid-brown
{Tetramorium gracile}
. {Tetramorium gracile} Tetramorium gracile Ethiopia
- Propodeum with long spines but weak frontal carinae
141 Longitudinal rugulae on head without cross-meshes, almost smooth between rugae; TL 3.6-4.1 mm; dark brown, appendages yellow
{Tetramorium metatactum}
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. {Tetramorium metatactum} Tetramorium metatactum Kenya
141 Longitudinal rugulae on head with cross-meshes, distinct ground-sculpture between rugae; TL 3.4 mm; glossy blackish-brown, appendages pale yellow
Tetramorium youngi
Tetramorium youngi Angola
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© 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
