The Ants of Africa
Genus Hypoponera
Hypoponera dulcis (Forel)

Hypoponera dulcis (Forel)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Tanzania (Ponera dulcis n. sp., Forel, 1907a: 2, worker; illustrated by Santschi, 1914b; queen, Arnold 1915: 82) collected at Arusha-chini by Katona, worker and queen described (Wheeler, 1922) - no type images on Antweb (Janaury 2015)
subspecies uncta (Ponera dulcis For. var. uncta n. var., Santschi, 1914e: 7, worker) from South Africa, Zululand - no images on Antweb (January 2015)

New combination in Hypoponera (Bolton, 1995) .

Bolton & Fisher (2011: 15) additionally synonymised the following but I show my prior interpretation of these as the synonymy seems far from certain and is, at least, confusing when one is faced with such clear colour variations. Note: the Arnold queen can be seen on - -  it was collected in Zimbabwe and, therefore, not a true type.

dulcis - Forel described the type as reddish or red-yellow, head and antennal club rather brownish, gaster yellow brown
Hypoponera dulcis type form
rothkirchi - the workers I have that match the yellow-brown specimen shown by Bolton & Fisher (casent0226572 - see below); described as yellow-gold, with yellow antenna, by Wasmann (1918b) Hypoponera rothkirchi
lotti - the workers from Congo that I regard as lotti are very dark brown quite distinct from the chestnut-brown dulcis from Gabon; this is as described by Weber (1942a);

Hypoponera lotti
muscicola - queen only known, Bolton & Fisher refer to males and queens but do not describe or illustrate either No images on Antweb (Janaury 2015)
lamottei Images at
mandibularis Images of queen at
villiersi Headless images at

{short description of image} {Hypoponera dulcis}Forel's (1907a) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1915: 82) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. Santschi's (1914e) description of uncta is at {original description}. Arnold (1926) gave a translation, this is at {original description}.

Specimens of aemula, designated as lectotype and paralectotype, were examined by Seifert (2003b: 68 & 69). He removed it to the status of a junior synonym of Hypoponera schauinslandi. Santschi's (1911c) description of aemula is at {original description}.

Bolton & Fisher's treatment can be found in

Wheeler (1922) listed many findings from eastern Africa - Eritrea to South Africa. From Guinea, the first record for West Africa, Nion, 700m, station 22 (15.iv.1946, Lamotte) 1 worker, 2 queens; Nimba, north-east forest, leaf litter (ix,1946, Villiers). Specimens somewhat lighter than the form common in eastern and southern Africa (Bernard, 1952).

Bernard (1952) gave the workers as - TL 2.7-3.0 mm; colour yellow-brown to yellow-red. Antennal scapes surpassing the vertex of the head. Clypeus rectilinear, or feebly concave apically; mandibles with 3-4 clear teeth, and 9-10 reduced denticles. Declivity of propodeum twice as long as dorsum, angle between faces very blunt.

The specimens from Gabon shown below seem to be a very close match to the Forel description in all aspects. The similarity to Hypoponera trigona (see below) is obvious, although dulcis is some 30% smaller. Santschi (1914b: 53), gave an illustration (above right) and noted the petiole scale on the examples from Tanzania was even narrower than Ponera trigona.

Oxford University Museum specimens

Hypoponera dulcis
B Taylor det.

Y Braet
Gabon 152

00°34' N
09°19' E
Leaf litter, winkler funnel
Hypoponera dulcis
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Gabon 200
00°34' N
09°19' E
Leaf litter, winkler funnel
Hypoponera dulcis
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Gabon 37
00°34' N
09°19' E
Pointe Wingombe, termitarium
Hypoponera dulcis
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Gabon 228
00°34' N
09°19' E
Leaf litter, winkler funnel
Hypoponera dulcis
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Gabon 206
00°34' N
09°19' E
Savannah, malaise trap

{Hypoponera dulcis}The photomontage is of a worker from Gabon, Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 37).

{Hypoponera dulcis}The photomontage is of a worker from Gabon, Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 228).

{Hypoponera dulcis}The photomontage of a worker from Cameroun, that matches my interpretation of the type form is collected from

{Hypoponera dulcis}The photomontage of a worker from Gabon, Monts Doudou, 9.iii.2000, B L Fisher; is from Bolton & Fisher (2011) and is also on This specimen appears to be lighter than those I interpret as the type form and matches my rothkirchi.

{Hypoponera trigona}Note: Forel (1907a) compared it with trigona, i.e. Ponera punctatissima Rog. var. trigona n. v., of Mayr (1887: 537), type location Brazil; raised to species by Forel (1893g: 364) and in Hypoponera by Taylor (1968a:63). Mayr's (1887) description of trigona is at {original description}. Kempf (1962b: 10) gave a modern, illustrated description, this is at {original description}.

{Hypoponera trigona}The photomontage of a Hypoponera trigona specimen is collated from

{Hypoponera dulcis ? male}The photomontage is of a speculative male from Gabon, Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 206). Caught in a malaise trap and so unassociated with workers.

© 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2018 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
