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The Tudgay family of Abersychan, Gwent

Titbits from the Press

[see e.g.]

William Tudgay - stealing coal 1854.
The Monmouthshire Merlin, 13th January 1854, the Newport Town Hall Magistrates heard the case of  "Wm. Tudgay, a navvy, was charged with stealing coal, the property of the Hereford and Newport Railway Company. -- Cautioned and discharged".

{I cannot trace any other obvious record of this William but there are many William Tudgay records.
Edwin Tudgay - chimney fire 1875
Edwin Tudgay chimney fire
Y Gwladgarwr - 27th November 1875
Isaac Tudgay - "Man was attacked near Pontypool"
Translation: "Saturday accused a young man named George Felton, wounding Isaac Tudgay, of Garndiffaith, on the 16th. They seemed drunk at the Rose and Crown, and a quarrel broke out between them, when Tudgay was stabbed but the knife struck one of his rib, which was the means of saving his life. Felton was transferred to await his trial at the quarter sessions".

Isaac Tudgay report 1875
stabbing 1875
Monmouthshire Merlin 15th September 1876.
Isaac Tudgay, William Jarman, Thomas Davies, and Thomas Harris were charged with assaulting Henry Watton and his wife, at Garndiffaith. Mr. Greenway appeared for complainants, and Mr. T. Watkins for defendants.
Mr. Greenway stated that Watton, with his wife, had just returned home from Pontypool, and were about to enter their house when Jarman came up and struck him violently in the face, and then ran away. Watton followed him, and just as he came up to him the other three men came up, and all set upon Watton, knocked him down, and kicked him while on the ground. Watton's wife went and begged them, for God's sake, not to kill her husband on that Harris caught her by the hair of her head, and pulled her about and struck her and Tudgay kicked her while she was partly on the ground; both man and wife were smothered in blood and lay unconscious. Watton was a gaffer under Messrs. Monk and Edwards, the railway contractors. Watton gave evidence to the above effect, and added that while they were kicking him they said, this is the only one, and let us kill the b. When Jarman first struck him, Jarman said, "You are the man I want." David Thomas assisted complainant home, and complainant had since been under medical treatment; four of his wife's teeth were knocked out.
In cross-examination, complainant said he had just parted from a man named Barnet, but he had not brought Barnet as a witness. Mr. Greenway said that Barnet was in town, and could be called if Mr. Watkins desired it. In answer to the Bench, Watton said he knew neither of these men before he knew Jarman's brother Henry, and when he was struck he ran after Jarman to see who he was. Alice Watton, one of the complainants, who spoke with difficulty in consequence of the injuries to her mouth, and a lad named David Thomas, who gave his evidence in a very ingenuous and straightforward manner, corroborated Watton. Mr. Samuel Sharpe, surgeon, at Garndiffaith, de-posed that he had treated Watton for a severe cut in the head; Mrs. Watton showed him three of her teeth, and he could see where she had lost two more she did not complain of severe bruises about her body the teeth might have been struck out with a stone.
Mr. Watkins then addressed the Bench for the defendants, to the effect that Jarman asked Watton and Barnet for a match. Watton used a vile expression. Jarman told them to be civil, whereupon both rushed at him he ran away, and they ran after him on getting near the other three men. One of them saw a knife in Barnet's hand and called out. Watton's dog was sat on them, and Mrs. Watton followed, throwing stones. The defendants naturally turned to defend themselves, and in the row which ensued Harris was so badly hurt that he had to be carried away from the spot, and could not attend the Court before this. He submitted that there was strong provocation.
The Bench did not see the provocation, and said they should like to hear Barnet's statement. Barnet was called but did not answer, having gone away. The defendants were sentenced to six weeks' hard labour each, without the option of paying a fine.

Varteg Primitive Methodist Chapel
Pontypool Free Press and Herald of the Hills 9th May 1884
"VARTEG. An entertainment was held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Monday evening, April 28, when the following programme was nicely rendered :- Song, Mr John Griffiths; recitation Mr A. Bevan; song Mr John Rees; recitation, 'Not in vain', Miss Morgan; recitation, Mr T. James; song, Mr Joseph Ball; recitation, Mr Tudgay; song, Mr Joseph Higgs; dialogue 'The country schoolmaster,' Mr James; and, party recitation,'A woman of mind', Mr C. V. Williams; song, Mr D. Stephens; recitation, 'Irish Schoolmasters', Mr James; song, Mr D. J. Morgan; recitation, 'The snow', Miss Morgan; song, Miss Hintch; recitation, 'The twins,' Mr C. V. Williams; duet, Messrs Morgan and Stephens. For the impromptu speech, subject, 'Time', three competitors entered, but, as neither touched the subject, no prize was awarded. Mr O'Connor presided."
Pisgah Sunday School 1885 - William Tudgay (CET2)
Pisgah Sunday School 1885
Llanerch Mine disaster - 1890 - for more see

The family lost James Smith Tudgay, 1843-90, his son, Joseph William Tudgay, 1867-1890; William Tudgay, 1856-1890; and Joseph Thomas, husband of Edith née Tudgay. The South Wales Echo reported "After the funerals of William Tudgay and his son Joseph had left the house yesterday, before they were laid to rest at Noddfa, the news came that the mother of the elder Tudgay, who lived with him, had died. She was very ill at the time of the explosion, and the shock bad proved too great for her enfeebled body".

The Pontypool Free Press and Herald of the Hills, 21st February 1890, had a Death Notice: "Feb. 11, at top of Talywain, aged 66 years, Eliza, widow of Mr Isaac Tudgay, coal miner". On 7th February, the paper had related how Wm. Tudgay was among the first seven men to be brought to the surface from the engine house at the bottom of the shaft.

The South Wales Daily News, 8th February 1890, reported how among the "worst cases being those of Wm. Tudgay, compound fractures of the skull and extensive burns about the face".

The Pontypool Free Press and Herald of the Hills, 28th March 1890, reporting on the adjourned inquest, heard from a Mr Joseph Morgan, the colliery manager, in relation to gas that, after a little explosion earlier, "the men had heard that it was likely safety-lamps would be introduced. the men spoke to him about is and one in particular, Edwin Tudgay, who worked in the Three-quarters said they did not want safety-lamps there".

Literal translation "Abersychan Explosion We have one mother, called Mrs Tudgay, has died from the effects of excitement and distress incurred. This woman had three sons in the mine, two of whom were killed in the area, while the third was carried out severly injured. On Monday two bodies were buried from the house and in the night the mother died. To finish the fate of the family, there was the third death - William - who died from the effects of the injury, so a family of four has been taken away by the effects of the explosion".Llanilleth explosion
Mining Examination George Tudgay 1892 (see Edwin Charles Tudgay family)
Also South Wales Daily News 27th September 1894 - George Tudgay passed a St Jihn Ambulance Association First Aid course at Abersychan Technical Instruction Classes
George tudgay exam 1892

Coal Mining - William Tudgay (CET2)
Evening Express 19th January 1899: No 2 Pit Llanilleth; William Tudgay (the overman) gave evidence following the accidental death of a Mr Morgan, age 70. Mrs Mary Morgan, of Viaduct Terrace, Crumlin, was awarded £242, being three years of average wages of 30s. per week.

Llanilleth 1903
Charles Tudgay land 1900
Charles Tudgay land1900

Pigeon Racing - Charles Tudgay (examples) - from the Poultry Show report (below) this was Edwin Charles Tudgay (senior or junior?)
Evening Express, 22nd August 1904
"Pontypool and District Homing Pigeon Society fled their third young bird race from Lancaster, a distance of 163 miles, on Satur-day. Nine competitors sent 43 birds to Lan-caster. They were liberated at nine a.m. This proved to be the best race of the season. Result: - Morris (2), 1,243 yards per minute; Pym, 1,242; Green, 1,241; Pym, 1,236; Flowers, 1,236; Tudgay, 1,235; Flowers, 1,209; Rowland, 1,208; Green, 1,203; Morris, 1,201; Tudgay, 1,189; Down, 1,179; Mayers, 1,160; Green, 1,158; Mayers, 1,098; Taylor, 1,027.

Evening Express, 29th May 1906
"The Abersychan Eastern Valley South-road Homing Society flew their third old bird race from Alderney, Channel Islands. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the birds were kept penned uo from Satruday to Monday. The result was:- 1st, Hudson Bros., Blaenavon; 2nd, Chas. Tudgay, Taylwain. Owing to Chas, Tudgay being five minutes' late Hudson Bros. take up the four prizes and money and have a special prize, a pair of young birds from Mr. Hunter, Ebbw Vale."

Evening Express, 6th October 1906
"The Eastern Valleys (South-road) Homing Society held their first annual supper at the White Hart Hotel, Abersychan, after which the annual meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Charles Tudgay, who referred to the success of the club in the first year of its existence. The income was £ 25 7s. 4d., expenditure was £21 9s. 3d. and balance in hand £3 18s. 1d."


Poultry Show 1902
Sid Tudgay - Talywain Football 1907
Talywain Football 1907
Talywain Rugby Football Club - probably William Tudgay (CET2)
Evening Express, 2nd August 1907
"Talywain R.F.C.
At the annual meeting of the Talywain Rugby Football club, held last evening, the following officers were elected for the coming season. Presidents, Mr. Percy Jones, and Mr. W. Tudgay; treasurer, Mr. W. Finch, secretaries, Mr. R. Watkins and Mr. L Smith; and captain, Mr. E. Davies. It was decided to run a second team."
Sid Tudgay - Talywain Rugby 1908 (also from 1906) - see James Tudgay Family (JasT9)

The Evening Express, 22 July 1908 reported Sid was elected Club Captain. He was playing for the Talywain Juniors in 1903 (Evening Express, 13th February 1903).

The Evening Express, 4th Januarty 1909, gave S. Tudgay, Talywain, as in the Monmouthshire Valleys League team to play the Aberdare and Distrct team. The Aberdare Leader, 16th January 1909, listed S. Tudgay, captain, Talywain.

Sid Tudgay 1908
Evening Express - 24th December 1906 (also 1907)

QUOITS (examples) - Jim Tudgay & Frank Tudgay (1907-1908) both sons of Charles Edwin Tudgay
Evening Express - 17th August, 1908
Monmouthshire Quoiting Association:
Talywain II.: John Andrew Dable, 0: John Miles, 17; J. Tudgay, 21; Jas. Barry, 21; Frank Tudgay. 21; Thos. Hooper (captain), 21; Joe Chapman, 21: Jas. Charles, 21. Total, 143. Pemuaain: Ben Stewart, 21; Chas. Stewart, 21: D. J. Davies. 6; William Jones, 4; Ed. Watkins, 1; Jobal Watkms, 15; Dd. Wiiliams, 6; Chas. Lewis, 9. Total, 83.

Evening Express - 10th September 1910 reported the Finals of the Welsh Quoits "The game between J. Tovey, of Cwm, and I. Tudgay, of Panteg, was even more unequal. The Panteg men. who had played brilliantly in all the other rounds was dead off. Tovey won by 41 to 12".

Quoits 1910
F Tudgay quoits
Rugby League - probably Arthur Tudgay (CET8)
rugby league 1910
Shooting - Sid again 1906 (numerous other reports)
Evening Express 20th November 1906
reported Air Rifle Shooting, Eastern Valley League, at the Commercial (Talywin) club range including scores for "S Tudgay, 27" and "J Tudgay, 27".
Sid shooting 1906
Women's activities
Monmouth Guardian and Bargoed and Caerphilly Observer
- 8th June 1917
On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in the Central Hall by the above Branch. Mrs Tudgay presided over the meeting, which was of a miscellaneous character, and gave a very helpful and instructive address. Solos were given by Miss Myra Edwards and Mrs Evans, while recitations were given by Miss Gladys Sims, and Masters Tommy Weaver and Lenus Jones. Mrs Lock, the Branch accompanist, presided at the organ.
A concert was held on Tuesday morning (reported 16th November 1917) when Mr Tudgay occupied the chair.
Aberbargied BWTA 1917
Music - Lena Tudgay (daughter of James Tudgay, CET1)
Lena Tudgay music
Alfred Tudgay, Nantyglo, singer
Abergavenny Chronicle, 2nd April 1919, at the Abergavenny Eistedffod, "Novice bass solo 'The Harvester's night song' - Alfred Tudgay, Nantyglo".

©2018 - Brian Taylor BTech PhD CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.

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