Cover Page
General map of Bangladesh
, with "clickable" links to field work locations, etc.
Towards a general understanding - what of the flooding?
Towards a general understanding - 1 - what of the flooding?
Towards a general understanding - 2 - a riverine country
Towards a general understanding - 3 - what is deepwater rice?
Towards a general understanding - 4 - definitions of deepwater rice and where it is grown
The deepwater rice farmer's year
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 1 - the dry season
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 2 - a time to sow
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 3 - waiting for take-off
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 4 - the flood arrives
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 5 - growth, growth and more growth
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 6 - kneeing and flowering
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 7 - the DWR harvest
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 8 - full circle - season's end
The deepwater rice farmer's year - 9 - winter crops
The Yellow Stem Borer
Scirpophaga incertulas
(Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and deepwater rice - trying to present a balanced view
Yellow stem borer studies - abstract
Yellow stem borer studies - 1 - introduction
Yellow stem borer studies - 2 - the first phase 1978-80
Yellow stem borer studies - 3 - methods
Yellow stem borer studies - 4 - methods cont.
Yellow stem borer studies - 5 - 1981 research - insecticide trials
Yellow stem borer studies - 6 - 1981 research - YSB population dynamics
Yellow stem borer studies - 7 - 1981 research - final results
Yellow stem borer studies - 8 - 1982 research - insecticide trials
Yellow stem borer studies - 9 - 1982 research - effect of YSB on panicles
Yellow stem borer studies - 10 - 1982 research - YSB and grain filling
Yellow stem borer studies - 11 - 1982 research - anatomy of DWR stems
Yellow stem borer studies - 12 - 1982 research - more on DWR anatomy and YSB
Yellow stem borer studies - 13 - 1982 research - DWR anatomy summarized
Yellow stem borer studies - 14 - discussion
Yellow stem borer studies - 15 - discussion
Yellow stem borer studies - 16 - discussion
Yellow stem borer studies - 17 - discussion
Yellow stem borer studies - 18 - conclusions
Yellow Stem Borer - appendix - photographs
YSB symptoms shown by whole dwr plants
dwr stem disssections
dwr anatomy studies
YSB life stages
Other pests and diseases
nematode disease
Caterpillars - Lepidoptera
Beetles - Coleoptera
Leaf Hoppers - Jassidae
Ants - Hymenoptera: Formicidae
Sites and locations
BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) and the Rajbari site, Dhaka District
The Bastia site, Jamuna floodplain, Manikganj, Dhaka District (west)
The Daudkandi site, Meghna floodplain, Comilla District
The DND (Dhaka-Narayanganj-Demra scheme) site, Meghna floodplain, Dhaka District (south-east)
The Dubail site, Jamuna floodplain, Tangail district
The Manikganj south field sites, Jamuna floodplain, Dhaka District (west)
The Matlab Bazaar field site and Chandpur area, Lower Meghna floodplain, Comilla District
The Narshingdi site, Meghna floodplain, Dhaka District (east)
Comilla area, Comilla District
The Faridpur area, Ganges floodplain, Faridpur District
Habiganj (BRRI) deepwater rice research station, Sylhet District
Rajshahi and the Hardinge Bridge, Ganges floodplain, Rajshahi District
The Natore area, Pabna District and Parharpur, Bogra District
The Meghna River crossing
The Sylhet area, Sylhet District (tea growing)
Huntra research station and others in Thailand
PERSONAL PUBLICATIONS - scanned as full pages from original papers
Taylor, Alam & Razzaque, 1981
Taylor, 1988
Taylor, 1996
Brian Taylor publications
©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
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