The Ants of Africa
Ants collected in Gabon by Yves Braet, 2006

{Pongara National Park map}Ants from Gabon, collected by Yves Braet

Four months of field work in Pongara National Park, Gabon, 0°34'N-9°19'E, by Yves Braet led to the collection of 144 taxa of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) belonging to 8 sub-families. One hundred and ten of the taxa are recorded for the first time in Gabon. The results are tabulated according to habitat (littoral zone, savannah, forest or mangrove) and by collection method.

A full description of the Pongara National Park, the collecting activities and an analysis of the ant identifications now has been published.

Braet, Y. & Taylor, B. 2008. Mission entomologique au Parc National de Pongara (Gabon). Bilan des Formicidae (Hymenoptera) récoltés. Bulletin S.R.B.E./K.B.V.E., 144, 157-169.

The list below includes a few amendments to the identifications.

Techniques: WF = Winkler Funnel; MT = Malaise Trap; SN = Sweep Netting; BJ = yellow tray traps; PT = Pitfall Trap; time period of trap operation as given.

Subfamily Species determination Notes * = first Gabon record (outside Gabon, in Africa) Location in Park (technique) Date (all in 2006) Taylor Nos
AMBLYOPONINAE Prionopelta humicola Terron * (holotype from Cameroun; another from Rwanda) - 2 specimens Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 222
CERAPACHYINAE Cerapachys foreli (Santschi) (West Africa & Congo Basin) - queen Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 183
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma longiceps (Wheeler) * (Zaïre) Point Wingombe, botanic path (MT) Gabon 45
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma lugubre (Santschi) * (Zimbabwe, Cameroun, Nigeria) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 112
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius) * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe; edge of lagoon (SN) 17.vii Gabon 58
DOLICHODERINAE Tapinoma modestum Santschi * (Zimbabwe and ? Nigeria) On fallen tree ("falling") 3.viii Gabon 127
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex (Engramma) andrei (Forel) * (Congo Basin & Nigeria) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 218 (as T. wolfi)
DOLICHODERINAE Technomyrmex (Technomyrmex) semiruber Emery * (Cameroun & Nigeria) - queen, diagnosis is questionable as undescribed Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 191
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Anomma) congolensis Santschi * major & other workers Pointe Wingombe; edge of path (SN) 13.viii Gabon 09
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Anomma) congolensis Santschi * (widespread) media & minor Pointe Wingombe; on forest road Gabon 10
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Dorylus) braunsi Emery * 1 major or more likely media - like subspecies impressus Stitz from Equatorial Guinea Found in or on dead wood Gabon 210
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Dorylus) depilis diagnosis probably depilis (Emery) * (widespread) media Point Wingombe; termitarium 27.v Gabon 08
DORYLINAE Dorylus (Dorylus) spininodis Emery * (widespread) media Point Wingombe 20.ii in nest of sea turtle, Dermochelya coriacea; collector Maité Ikaran; ex Yves Braet
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) maynei Forel * (Zaïre) minor South Point Ngombe, lagoon edge, Gabon 43
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmopelta) vividus (F Smith) (widespread) minor Resthouse, Point Ngombe Gabon 42
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosaga) schoutedeni Forel * (widespread) minor Edge of forest road (MT) 2.viii-18.viii Gabon 41
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosaga) schoutedeni Forel * (widespread) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 115
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Mayr * (widespread) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) Gabon 40 & 44
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmosericus) flavomarginatus Mayr * (widespread) minor [unmounted] Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 119
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) olivieri Forel (widespread, Congo Basin southwards) Savannah (MT) Gabon 203
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Myrmotrema) olivieri Forel (widespread, Congo Basin southwards) minor Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 120
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) mayri Forel * (widespread) major Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 122
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) sericeus (Fabricius) * (widespread) major Pointe Denis; savannah (SN) 22.vii Gabon 38
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) acvapimensis Mayr (widespread) major yellow traps at edge of savannah 78.viii Gabon xx
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) brutus (Forel) (widespread) major Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 123
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) brutus (Forel) (widespread) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge (MT) Gabon 39
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) congolensis (Emery) * (widespread) three sizes of workers - many Savannah (MT) Gabon 205
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) crawleyi Emery * (type location for holotype worker Cameroun) - major undescribed - 4 majors & 2 minors mounted Found in or on dead wood Gabon 213
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) crawleyi Forel * (Congo Basin) - majors & minors Pongara base (WF) Gabon 164
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) pompeius Forel type location Gabon - majors & 1 minor Found in or on dead wood Gabon 214
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) pompeius Forel type location Gabon - minor Pongara base (WF) Gabon 165
FORMICINAE Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) posticus Santschi * (Congo Basin & Kenya) media worker WF of leaf litter Gabon 163
FORMICINAE Lepisiota mota (Santschi) new status * (type location Angola) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 106
FORMICINAE Lepisiota ngangela (Santschi) * (type location Angola) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 117
FORMICINAE Lepisiota oculata (Santschi) * (Zaïre) Pointe Wingombe; edge of lagoon (SN) 17.vii Gabon 48
FORMICINAE Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille) variety (widespread) major Pointe Wingombe, under trees (SN) 02.vii Gabon 14
FORMICINAE Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille) variety (widespread) major Kengéré road, under trees (SN) 9.vii Gabon 15
FORMICINAE Oecophylla fusca in fusca-group * minor (?) Pointe Wingombe (MT, one week) Gabon 13
FORMICINAE Paratrechina grisoni (Forel) * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe (MT, one week) Gabon 16
FORMICINAE Paratrechina grisoni (Forel) * (widespread) Forest soil (WF) 27.v Gabon 126
FORMICINAE Paratrechina grisoni (Forel) numerous specimens Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 230
FORMICINAE Paratrechina grisoni (Forel) * (widespread) (not photo'd) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 171
FORMICINAE Paratrechina grisoni (Forel) * (widespread) (not photo'd) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 139
FORMICINAE Paratrechina incallida (Santschi) * (São Thomé I, holotype only) Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) 23.vii-19.viii Gabon 56 (Paratrechina albipes)
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) Gabon 54
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) * (widespread) - 5 specimens - unmounted Found in or on dead wood Gabon 211
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) * (widespread) - many specimens Savannah (MT) Gabon 209
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) * (widespread) Point Ngombe (by hand) 18.vii Gabon 55 (YB Paratrechina longicornis)
FORMICINAE Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) * (widespread) (not photographed) Pongara base (WF) Gabon 162
FORMICINAE Paraparatrechina subtilis (Emery) * (Senegal, Nigeria, Cameroun) Pointe Wingombe; forest edge (MT) Gabon 57
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis concava André (widespread) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 96
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis decemdentata André (widespread) Pointe Wingombe (MT, one week) Gabon 60
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis schistacea (Gerstäcker) (widespread) Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) Gabon 59
FORMICINAE Polyrhachis schistacea (Gerstäcker) seven workers Savannah (MT) Gabon 204
MYRMICINAE Baracidris sitra Bolton (type location Plateau d'Ipassa Gabon) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 167
MYRMICINAE Cardiocondyla venustula Wheeler * (Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia) - 3 specimens Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 66
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus guineensis (F Smith) (widespread) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 46
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus pygmaeus André * (widespread) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 109
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus traegaordhi Santschi * (widespread) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 110
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus vorticus Bolton * (West Africa & Congo Basin) On fallen tree ("falling") 4.viii Gabon 128
MYRMICINAE Cataulacus weissi Santschi (widespread) alate queen
Pointe Wingombe; forest edge (MT) Gabon 39
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) africana Mayr (widespread) major On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 102
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) africana Mayr * (widespread) {unmounted] Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 118
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) africana Mayr (not photographed) Pongara base (WF) Gabon 161
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) africana Mayr (not photographed) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 170
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) africana Mayr (not photographed) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 131
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) kasaiensis Forel * (Zaïre) [unmounted] Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 121
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) resulcata Bolton * (South Africa & Cameroun) Point Wingombe; under trees (PT) 20.vii Gabon 04
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) resulcata Bolton (South Africa & Cameroun) On fallen tree ("falling") 4.viii Gabon 129
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) resulcata Bolton * (South Africa & Cameroun) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (MT) Gabon 06
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wasmanni Santschi * (Zaïre) minor Resthouse, Point Ngombe Gabon 01
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wasmanni Santschi * (Zaïre) minor Point Wingombe; lagoon edge (SN) 17.vii Gabon 02
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wasmanni Santschi * (Zaïre) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 104
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Atopogyne) wasmanni Santschi * (Zaïre) minor Kengéré road, under trees (SN) 9.vii Gabon 03
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Crematogaster) brunneipennis André * (Sierra Leone) Under trees (MT) [entry corrected from Crematogaster (Atopogyne) kasaiensis] Gabon 07
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Nematocrema) stadelmanni Mayr * (widespread) Point Wingombe; under trees (PT) 20.vii Gabon 05
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Orthocrema) gratiosa Santschi * (Zaïre) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 107
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Orthocrema) gratiosa Santschi (Zaïre) Edge of track (SN) 29.vii Gabon 108
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Nematocrema) stadelmanni Mayr (widespread) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 188
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) libengensis Stitz (widespread) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 103
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) libengensis Stitz * (two reports from Zaire) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 219
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) wilwerthi Santschi * (West Africa & Congo Basin) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 105
MYRMICINAE Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) wilwerthi Santschi * (West Africa & Congo Basin) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 101
MYRMICINAE Monomorium altinode (Santschi) * (Congo Basin - Congo & Zaire) - numerous specimens Savannah (MT) Gabon 207
MYRMICINAE Monomorium angustinode (Forel) * (Zaïre) [unmounted] Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 116
MYRMICINAE Monomorium angustinode (Forel) * (Zaïre) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 94 & 96
MYRMICINAE Monomorium borlei Santschi * Angola
Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 223
MYRMICINAE Monomorium cryptobium (Santschi) (West Africa & Congo Basin) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 186
MYRMICINAE Monomorium cryptobium (Santschi) (West Africa & Congo Basin) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 181
MYRMICINAE Monomorium exiguum Forel (widespread) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 100
MYRMICINAE Monomorium exiguum Forel faurei Santschi type location Gabon Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 114
MYRMICINAE Monomorium exiguum Forel widespread - 2 specimens Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 95
MYRMICINAE Monomorium rosae Santschi * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe; edge of lagoon (SN) 17.vii Gabon 47
MYRMICINAE Monomorium spectrum Bolton type location Gabon Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 201
MYRMICINAE Monomorium strangulatum Santschi (widespread) Pointe Denis; savannah (SN) 22.vii Gabon 11
MYRMICINAE Monomorium tynsorum Bolton * (Angola) Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) 6.vii Gabon 12
MYRMICINAE Monomorium vaguum Santschi * (widespread) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 92
MYRMICINAE Myrmicaria natalensis (F Smith) * (widespread) Point Wingombe; under trees (SN) 2.vii Gabon 49
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex (Oligomyrmex) angolensis Santschi * Angola & Zaire Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 226
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex (Aeromyrma) debilis Santschi * (type location Guinea) minor - diagnosis unsure Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 179
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex (Oligomyrmex) erythraeus Emery ? * (type location Eritrea) minor diagnosis unsure Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 221 & 227
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex (Aeneleus) menozzii Ettershank * (type location Fernando Po I) minor Forest soil (WF) 27.v Gabon 124
MYRMICINAE Oligomyrmex (Oligomyrmex) menozzii Ettershank * (Fernando Po) minor diagnosis unsure Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 151
MYRMICINAE Pheidole albidula Santschi * (Cameroun & Zaïre) minor Point Wingombe, botanic path (MT) Gabon 69
MYRMICINAE Pheidole albidula (Santschi) * (Ghana & Nigeria) minor Point Wingombe, botanic path (MT) Not photographed
MYRMICINAE Pheidole albidula (Santschi) * (Ghana & Nigeria) minor - 2 specimens Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 33
MYRMICINAE Pheidole andrieui Santschi * (Mali) minor Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 142
MYRMICINAE Pheidole bayeri Forel * (Zaïre) minor Pointe Wingombe, under trees (MT) Gabon 81
MYRMICINAE Pheidole caffra Emery * (widespread) major, possible close to type rather than the Zaïre subspecies, such as senilifrons Degraded forest (SL#3) 26.v Gabon 31
MYRMICINAE Pheidole concinna Santschi * (Congo, type location) 2 minors Pointe Wingombe; edge of lagoon (SN) 17.vii Not photographed
MYRMICINAE Pheidole concinna Santschi * (Congo, type location) minor Pointe Wingombe (MT, one week) Gabon 26
MYRMICINAE Pheidole concinna Santschi * (Congo, type location) minor - 2 specimens Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) 23.vii-19.viii Gabon 67
MYRMICINAE Pheidole decarinata Santschi * (Mali) major Under trees (MT) Gabon 34
MYRMICINAE Pheidole escherichii Forel * (Eritrea) minor ? Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, grove of trees) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 74 & 78
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) minor Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 22
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) soldier & many workers Savannah (MT) Gabon 208
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) 5 minors Pointe Wingombe; edge of lagoon (SN) 17.vii Gabon 25
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) 2 minors Edge of forest road (MT) 2.viii-18.viii Not photographed
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) soldier Pointe Denis; savannah (SN) 22.vii Gabon 30
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) 23.vii-19.viii Not photographed
MYRMICINAE Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius) (widespread) soldier Pointe Wingombe; forest edge (MT) 9 Gabon 29
MYRMICINAE Pheidole melancholica Santschi * (widespread) minor Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 87
MYRMICINAE Pheidole melancholica Santschi * (Congo, type location) minor Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 32
MYRMICINAE Pheidole melancholica Santschi * (widespread) major new status Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 35, 36
MYRMICINAE Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler * (Zaïre) minor Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 90
MYRMICINAE Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler * (Zaïre) minor Pointe Wingombe, under trees (SN) 18.viii Gabon 84
MYRMICINAE Pheidole mylognatha Wheeler * (Zaïre) minor Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 140
MYRMICINAE Pheidole nkomoana Forel * (widespread) minor Pointe Wingombe (MT, one week) Gabon 86
MYRMICINAE Pheidole occipitalis André * (widespread) minor Degraded forest (SL#3) 26.v Gabon 68
MYRMICINAE Pheidole occipitalis André * (widespread) minor Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 21
MYRMICINAE Pheidole prelli Forel * (widespread) minor Pointe Denis; savannah; 24 h PF at edge of a small clump of trees (L Voliat & L V Guieu 16.vii Gabon 75
MYRMICINAE Pheidole pusilla (Heer) * (widespread in West Africa & Congo Basin, but confused with Pheidole megacephala) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 168
MYRMICINAE Pheidole pusilla (Heer) * (widespread in West Africa & Congo Basin, but confused with Pheidole megacephala) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (MT) Gabon 73 & 85
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schultzei Forel ebangana Santschi * (Angola) minor Point Wingombe, botanic path (MT) Gabon 82
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schoutedeni Forel * (Zaïre) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) Gabon 89
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schoutedeni Forel * (Zaïre) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge (MT) Gabon 83
MYRMICINAE Pheidole schoutedeni Forel * (Zaïre) minor Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 77
MYRMICINAE Pheidole stephensi
* minor (species E)
Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, edge of beach) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 71, 72
MYRMICINAE Pheidole spinulosa Forel nexa Forel * (southern Africa) minor Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 141
MYRMICINAE Pheidole squalida Santschi * (Congo & Cameroun) minor Pointe Wingombe; forest edge and mini-savannah edging lagoon (MT) 23.vii-19.viii Gabon 23
MYRMICINAE Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr * (southern Africa) 4 minors Degraded forest (SL#3) 26.v Gabon 24, 27 & 88
MYRMICINAE Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr * (southern Africa) 3 minors Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 220
MYRMICINAE Pheidole tenuinodis Mayr * (southern Africa) 2 minors Pointe Wingombe, under trees (MT) Gabon 80
MYRMICINAE Pheidole termitophila Forel * (widespread) minor Pointe Wingombe; on forest road Gabon 70
MYRMICINAE Pheidole termitophila Forel * (widespread) 2 minors Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 76
MYRMICINAE Pheidole termitophila Forel * (widespread) minor Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 91
MYRMICINAE Pheidole variolosa Emery * majors & minors (Somalia & Eritrea) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 143
MYRMICINAE Pongara pongarensis new genus & new species * Pointe Denis; savannah (SN) 22.vii Gabon 28 (YB Pheidole 1)
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Glamyromyrmex) ravidura Bolton * (Cameroun, two collections) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 134
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serrastruma) dotaja (Bolton) (Cameroun & Gabon) 4 specimens Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 225
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Serrastruma) ludovici (Forel) (widespread) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 224
MYRMICINAE Pyramica (Smithistruma) tacta (Bolton) * (West Africa & Congo Basin) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 184
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Brown * (widespread) - see Gabon 61 Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 154
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Brown * (widespread) - see Gabon 61 Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 202
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Brown * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 61
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Brown * (widespread) - see Gabon 61 Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 234
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Brown * (widespread) - see Gabon 61 Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 176
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys bernardi Bolton * (West Africa) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 144, 145 & 146
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys korahyla Bolton * (type location Cameroun) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 174
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys rogeri Emery (widespread) - several specimens Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 233
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys rogeri Emery (widespread) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 175
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys tetraphanes Brown (Gabon, Cameroun & Uganda) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 196
MYRMICINAE Strumigenys tetraphanes Brown (Congo Basin) Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 153
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) muscorum Arnold (West Africa & Congo Basin) - several specimens Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 185
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) muscorum Arnold (West Africa & Congo Basin) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 232
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium (Xiphomyrmex) angulinode Santschi Bolton form Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 187
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium anxium (Santschi) * (type location Guinea) Pongara base (WF) Gabon 159
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium geminatum Bolton (type location Gabon) 4 workers & 1 queen Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 158
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium geminatum Bolton (type location Gabon) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 199
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium geminatum Bolton (type location Gabon) Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 155
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium geminatum Bolton queen, type location Gabon but queen not described Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 190
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium lucayanum Wheeler * (West Africa & Congo Basin) queen - never described Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 156
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minimum Bolton * (West Africa) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 136
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minimum Bolton * (West Africa) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 137
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minisculum (Santschi) * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 20
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minisculum (Santschi) * (West Africa & Sudan) Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 157
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minisculum (Santschi) * (West Africa & Sudan) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 180
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium minisculum (Santschi) * (West Africa & Sudan) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 133
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre Emery (widespread) paler, less heavily sculptured South Point Ngombe (Kengéré) under trees edging beach 17.vii Gabon 19
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium sericeiventre Emery (widespread) Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, grove of trees) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 17 & 18
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simillimum (F Smith) * (widespread tramp) Forest soil (WF) 27.v Gabon 125
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simillimum (F Smith) * (widespread tramp) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 189
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simillimum (F Smith) * (widespread tramp) - many specimens, 1 queen Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 231
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simillimum (F Smith) * (widespread tramp) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 169
MYRMICINAE Tetramorium simillimum (F. Smith) * close to old variety exoleta (widespread) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 97
MYRMICINAE Yvesi gaboniensis tentative name for a novel Myrmicine Queen may be an Oligomyrmex Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 173
PONERINAE Anochetus katonae Forel * (widespread) queen Point Wingombe; termitarium 27.v Gabon 65
PONERINAE Anochetus katonae Forel * (West Africa) Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 135 & 138
PONERINAE Anochetus katonae Forel * (widespread) queen Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 197
PONERINAE Anochetus katonae Forel * (widespread) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 166
PONERINAE Anochetus siphneus Brown * (West Africa) Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 150
PONERINAE Hypoponera sp undet male . Savannah (MT) Gabon 206
PONERINAE Hypoponera cammerunensis (Santschi) * (Cameroun) 3 workers only known Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 148
PONERINAE Hypoponera dulcis (Forel) * (widespread) [not photographed] Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 152
PONERINAE Hypoponera dulcis (Forel) * (widespread in East Africa, 1 report from Guinea) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 200
PONERINAE Hypoponera dulcis (Forel) * (widespread) Point Wingombe; termitarium 27.v Gabon 37
PONERINAE Hypoponera dulcis (Forel) * 4 specimens (widespread Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 228
PONERINAE Hypoponera inaudax (Santschi) * (Zaïre) - holotype worker only known Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 147
PONERINAE Hypoponera lea (Santschi) * (West Africa) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 194
PONERINAE Hypoponera lea (Santschi) * (West Africa only) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 229
PONERINAE Hypoponera myrmicariae (Wasmann) * (type location Cameroun) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 192
PONERINAE Hypoponera rothkirchi (Wasmann) * (Cameroun & Fernando Po) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 195
PONERINAE Hypoponera rothkirchi (Wasmann) * (Cameroun & Fernando Po) - numerous examples Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 182
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes (Santschi) (widespread) - not photographed Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 132
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes (Santschi) (widespread) not photographed - 4 specimens Found in or on dead wood Gabon 212
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes (Santschi) (widespread) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 51
PONERINAE Odontomachus troglodytes (Santschi) (widespread) Pongara base (WF) Gabon 160
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) pongarensis new species * one specimen Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 215
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) siivestrii Santschi * (West Africa & Tanzania) On or under tree bark, Okoumé 24.vii Gabon 99
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) soror (Emery) * (widespread) Pointe Wingombe, under trees (PF) 20.vii Gabon 50
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) soror (Emery) * (widespread) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 217
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) soror (Emery) * (widespread) (headless, not photo'd) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 172
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachyponera) decolor (Santschi) - new status * (type location Senegal, also Cameroun) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 113
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachyponera) ruginota (Stitz) * (type location Cameroun) Sesame & forest (SN) 7-8.viii Gabon 111
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachyponera) ruginota (Stitz) (widespread) Edge of savannah (BJ) 8.viii Gabon 93
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Brachyponera) sennaarensis (Mayr) (widespread) Pointe Denis; savannah (PF, grove of trees) (L Volait collected) 16.vii Gabon 53
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Paltothyreus) tarsata (Fabricius) (widespread) Kengéré road, under trees (SN) 9.vii Gabon 52
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Trachymesopus) aenigmatica Arnold * (type location South Africa) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 177
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Trachymesopus) brunoi Forel * (widespread) Pongara base (WF; series 2) Gabon 178
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Xiphopelta) picea (Bernard) * (type location Guinea) Leaf litter (WF) 17-22.v Gabon 149
PONERINAE Pachycondyla (Xiphopelta) senegalensis (Santschi) * (Senegal, Guinea & CAR) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 198
PONERINAE Phrynoponera bequaerti Wheeler * (Zaïre) queen only described Riverine leaf litter (72 h WF) 8.viii Gabon 130
PONERINAE Phrynoponera gabonensis (André) type location Gabon (widespread) Leaf litter (WF) Gabon 216
PONERINAE Ponera coarctata (Latreille) * (tramp species but only one prior record in sub-Saharan Africa) Leaf litter (WF, series 2) 17-22.v Gabon 193
PSEUDOMYRMICINAE Tetraponera angolensis (Santschi) new status * (type location Angola) Kengéré road, mangroves (SN) Gabon 62
PSEUDOMYRMICINAE Tetraponera mocquerysi (André) * (widespread) Point Wingombe; termitarium 27.v Gabon 64 (YB Tetraponera ledouxi)
PSEUDOMYRMICINAE Tetraponera unidens (Santschi) * (widespread) South Point Ngombe, lagoon edge, Gabon 63
© 2009, 2010, 2013 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
